Examinando por Autor "Lazo Montesdeoca , Katherine Stephanie"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Hemorragia postparto primaria: diagnóstico y manejo oportuno(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Lazo Montesdeoca , Katherine Stephanie; Gallegos Vintimilla, Santiago Homero; 0940311335Introduction: Primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a severe obstetric problem characterized by excessive blood loss after delivery, with variable criteria for abnormal bleeding. Objective: To define primary postpartum hemorrhage, its diagnosis, and timely management. Methodology: Qualitative research was conducted through a literature review of the scientific bibliography through the PRISMA method employing search tools, such as Medigraphic, Scopus, UpToDate, Dialnet, PudMed, Latindex, NLM, ScienceDirect, and AJOL, published within the last five years from 2018 to 2023. Results: The systematic review highlights that PPH is a significant cause of maternal mortality in Ecuador, with uterine atony as a common cause. Prevalent risk factors were previous cesarean section, nulliparity, anemia and complications during labor, advanced maternal age, obstetric complications, retained placenta, and placenta previa. Early diagnosis and prompt management are crucial, as most PPH deaths occur in the first hours. The Zea clamping is effective in controlling primary PPH; angiography and transcatheter embolization are alternatives to hysterectomy, especially in patients wishing to preserve fertility. Prophylactic tranexamic acid reduces primary PPH without increasing thrombotic risks. Conclusion: PPH is a complex obstetric challenge that requires comprehensive care and a multidisciplinary approach. Early identification, proper management, and evidence-based strategies are crucial to prevent serious complications and improve outcomes for mothers after childbirth.