Examinando por Autor "Guarango Sanmartín, Valeria Alexandra"
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- ÍtemSolo MetadatosPruebas prenatales no invasivas para el estado RHESUS D fetal en mujeres RHD negativas. Revisión bibliográfica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Guarango Sanmartín, Valeria Alexandra; Reiban Espinoza, Esteban Adrián; 0105946560Background: RhD isoimmunization management has been revolutionized by prenatal testing. It is now feasible to predict the Rh genotype of the fetus with non-invasive testing using a blood-derived plasma sample. Fetal RhD status can be detected with 100% accuracy using PCR methods, which aids in the appropriate pregnancy care, avoiding unnecessary invasive testing and early detection of possible congenital disorders. Objective: To determine the efficacy of noninvasive prenatal testing for fetal Rhesus D status in RHD-negative women. Method: An exploratory narrative literature review. Results: The results indicate that there is a specificity of the study of 95 to 99%; these tests can be done from the 10th week of pregnancy since fetal DNA increases with the gestation time; also, the unnecessary application of anti-D vaccine has been significantly reduced between 29 and 38%, as well as high-risk invasive, and even though there are test failures, the percentage of these is very low compared to their predictions. This early non-invasive diagnosis significantly improved the management of RhD-negative pregnancies. Conclusions: cffDNA-based NIPS for fetal Rhesus D status management have set a precedent in medicine. They are highly effective, reliable, and usable for appropriate pregnancy care in a clinical diagnostic setting.