Examinando por Autor "Galarza Castro, Gissella Maribel"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Impacto sociodemogràfico de estudiantes migrantes de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la UCACUE(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Galarza Castro, Gissella Maribel; Gómez Lozano, Rocío Elizabeth; Cardenas Lata, Janneth; 0150625044; 1400745699This study is focused on determining the sociodemographic impact of migrant students of the Academic Unit of Social Sciences of the UCACUE, it is considered as population the students enrolled for the period March-August 2019, for which an information survey was carried out and it was registered 157 students from other provinces of Ecuador or other countries, men and women belonging to four careers. The information was collected by applying a structured survey to the population under study, the same that after being tabulated, analyzed and interpreted, the Chi-square test was carried out, obtaining as a result the approval of the null hypothesis “The economic status of migrant students is a sociodemographic factor that does not influence student drop-out”, in addition the present study has the criteria of experts (teachers) with relevance in the psychological, social and economic area from a qualitative - quantitative approach. Although the migration to this city has had an economic implication to 59.32% of migrant students, 66.67% indicate that the main reason for dropout is due to poor academic performance, followed by the emotional situation with a percentage of 45.45% Finally, an intervention plan was designed for the Department of Student Welfare, being the relevant entity for its execution, with the objective of contributing to the socio educational well-being of migrant students of the Academic Unit of Social Sciences.