Examinando por Autor "Cabrera Bravo, Angel Gabriel"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Manual de calidad para el laboratorio de microbiología de la carrera de bioquímica y farmacia de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca según parámetros de acreditación del consejo de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior (CACES).(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Cabrera Bravo, Angel Gabriel; Calle Paredes, Juan David; Guillermo Quinde, Juan Israel; 0301975793; 0106115132Introduction: The Catholic University of Cuenca is undergoing the accreditation process for the Biochemistry and Pharmacy career, for which it must comply with the ISO9001 Standard. One of the requirements is the elaboration of quality management manuals that include an inventory of furniture and equipment, a maintenance plan, and a laboratory use manual to enhance the development of undergraduate practices. Objective: To design a quality manual for the microbiology laboratory of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy program at the Catholic University of Cuenca, according to the accreditation parameters of the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology: A descriptive transversal study was carried out to gather the information required to comply with the accreditation parameters. A deductive method was used, and a bibliographic search was based on scientific articles, magazines, and pages of scientific approach such as Redalyc, PubMed, Scopus, Scielo, ProQuest, and others. Results: The proposed manual formats containing information for the proper use of instruments and the implementation of international quality and efficiency management standards were approved, also the proposed instructions, which contain the adequate operationalization of the use of equipment. Conclusion: The analysis carried out in this study shows that by applying the manuals under development with the classification of inventories and internal control of ISO standards, better instrumentation control would be achieved, providing better management, optimization, and performance of the equipment.