Examinando por Autor "Angamarca Andrade , Erik Israel"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Metodología Steam como herramienta para mejorar el pensamiento lógico y matemático en estudiantes de séptimo año EGB de la UECIB Suscal(Universidad Católica de Cuenca campus Cañar, Enfermería, 2023) Angamarca Andrade , Erik Israel; Flores Urgiles, Cristhian Humberto; 0302169941The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of improving logical-mathematical reasoning in children from seventh grade EGB of UECIB "Suscal" through the implementation of the STEAM methodology in the classroom. A mixed research approach with a descriptive emphasis was adopted. For the evaluation, the STEAM methodology was used, which integrates various disciplines and enhances critical thinking and creativity. The Wechsler Intelligence Test (WISC) was also used, focusing on the "Matrix Design" subtest that measures non-verbal reasoning, essential for children's academic and social development. The theoretical foundation specifically addressed topics related to computational thinking, logical-mathematical reasoning, and methodologies, etc. To determine the effectiveness of implementing this method, a course was conducted using technological tools like Scratch as the essential element of the STEAM method, which helped strengthen logical-mathematical thinking through practical activities. The most notable finding was a moderate increase in logical reasoning and perceptual skills, achieving a higher average than the initial evaluation. Keywords: STEAM, SCRATCH, Wechsler (WISC), UECIB