Trabajos de Titulación - Agronomía

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    Efecto de potasio en la calidad y productividad de Coffea arábica var. Geisha aplicada mediante fertirriego en la Hacienda la Papaya, provincia de Loja
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guayara Macao , Jonnathan Javier; Espinoza Bustamante, Xavier Esteban; 0107363897
    This research aims to determine the effect of potassium application via fertigation on the productivity and organoleptic quality of Geisha coffee at Hacienda la Papaya, located in the Canton of Saraguro, Province of Loja. A total of 600 three-year-old coffee plants were used in an area of 1500 m². Three treatments were applied: a control (T1), a 40% increase in potassium (T2), and a 10% reduction in potassium (T3), administered via fertigation over three months, from flowering to maturity, under a randomized block design. The results indicated that treatment T2 had a greater fruit size (16.85 g), while treatment T3 was significantly smaller fruit size (15.89 mm). In terms of berry weight, treatment T2 (1.89 g) was significantly higher compared to treatment T1 (1.71 g) and treatment T3 (1.66 g). However, regarding organoleptic quality, although treatment T1 had the highest score of 88.43, there were no statistically significant differences between the treatments despite achieving excellent scores in all three samples, according to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). In conclusion, although the increase in potassium in T2 improved fruit size and weight, no significant impact was observed on the sensory quality of the brewed coffee, suggesting that potassium influenced the physical aspects of the fruit more than its organoleptic quality. Keywords: Quality, fertilization, fertigation, sampling, production.
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    Biol a base de contenido ruminal y su eficiencia en el cultivo de brócoli (brassica oleracea).
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Loja Ordoñez , José Miguel; González Rojas , Juan Carlos; 0105627129
    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of a biol produced from the ruminal content of the municipal slaughterhouse in Cañar on the growth and development of broccoli (Brassica oleracea). The experimental process was carried out in two stages: first, the production of the biol and the analysis of its physical and chemical characteristics; second, the assessment of the biol's impact on broccoli yield. To achieve this, an experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design, evaluating biol concentrations of 4% (T2), 8% (T3), and 12% (T4), a commercial bio-stimulant (T1), and a control group (T0). The response variables included plant height at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after transplanting (WFT), leaf area, and fresh weight of the broccoli heads. The results indicated that all doses of ruminal content-based boil at various concentrations and the commercial bio-stimulant increased the broccoli’s plant height and leaf area compared to the control group. The T3 treatment significantly increased the fresh weight of the heads at 8 and 12 weeks after transplanting. In conclusion, ruminal content-based biol has promising potential to enhance the growth and yield of broccoli (Brassica oleracea). For future research, it is recommended to complement such studies with a foliar analysis to understand the plant's ability to absorb nutrients available from both the soil and foliar applications. Keywords: Organic fertilizers, chemical fertilizers, rumen content, beneficial microorganisms.
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    Producción de esporas de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares utilizando un método de plantas trampa mediante un sistema de cultivo aeropónico.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Quezada Figueroa , Bryan Xavier; Salazar Orellana , Marjorie Jazmín; 0107337743
    Soil is subject to intensive agricultural use because humans need to cultivate it for survival. Approximately 40% of soils worldwide are moderately or severely degraded, leading to nutrient loss and altering the microbiota, which is composed of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). This study develops a production protocol of AMF based on their benefits and ability to be produced in artificial media. It required obtaining soil samples intended for maize cultivation from 6 plots of 10 m² located in the sectors of La Manga, La Cabina, and Pindal, belonging to the Zapotillo and Pindal cantons in the Province of Loja in southern Ecuador, as well as rhizosphere soil from 20 randomly selected plants from each of the study sites, where spores of 4 species of AMF were isolated and identified: Rhizophagus irregularis, Rhizophagus clarus, Gigaspora rosea, and Colombian Acaulospora. After identifying the AMF spores, 20 were extracted and inoculated onto the roots of Beta vulgaris L. var. Cicla L (Swiss chard) as trap plants. They were placed in an aeroponic bioreactor system that allowed for the nebulization of nutrients required by the spores every 3 minutes for 1.10 minutes. After three months of inoculation, root samples were collected for staining and counting the percentage of mycorrhization, which reached 41%. Spore production was observed, and the process of inoculating the roots was successful. Keywords: Production, arbuscular mycorrhizae, isolation, soil, mycorrhization
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    Identificación de diversas cepas del género Trichoderma por su capacidad como solubilizadoras de Potasio, Fósforo y fijadoras de Nitrógeno mediante técnicas bioquímicas
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Crespo Troya , Gonzalo Genaro; Salazar Orellana, Marjorie Jazmin; 0942714163
    This study evaluated the potential of different strains to solubilize potassium (K) and phosphorus (P), as well as their ability to fix nitrogen (N), to develop sustainable and regenerative agricultural applications. The strains were cultivated in specific media (Pikovskaya and NBRIP), and the results showed that Trichoderma sp. excelled in its high capacity for K and P solubilization (r = 0.85 cm, p < 0.01); however, its N fixation ability was mild. On the other hand, T. neokoningii and T. harzianum demonstrated a good capacity for K and P solubilization but limited ability for N fixation. While T. neokoningii excelled in K solubilization in the Pikovskaya medium, T. atroviride showed a remarkable ability to solubilize P in the NBRIP medium and exhibited a light to moderate N fixation capacity. The statistical data analysis using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significant differences among the strains in their ability to solubilize K and P (p < 0.05). Overall, the study demonstrated that Trichoderma strains have a high potential to solubilize nutrients and fix nitrogen, although it is necessary to carefully evaluate the medium composition and cultivation conditions to optimize their function. Implementing these strains in agriculture can positively impact soil quality and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizer inputs. Keywords: Trichoderma, solubilization, nutrients, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
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    Evaluación de malta de maíz (Zea mays var. Zhima) como sustituto parcial de malta de cebada en la elaboración de cerveza artesanal
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Encalada Pardo, Genaro Isaac; Espinoza Bustamante, Xavier Esteban; 0704501253
    The objective of this research was to evaluate Zhima corn (Zea mays var. Zhima) as a partial replacement of barley malt (Hordeum vulgare) in the production of craft beer and its effect on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the treatments. Four treatments were evaluated, including the control, consisting of 100% Pilsner-type barley malt, while treatments T2, T3, and T4 used 25%, 50%, and 75% Zhima corn malt as a replacement in the total amount of grains, respectively. A total of 40 untrained judges evaluated the sensory aspects of the samples without knowing the variable between treatments, they rated the control beer as the best in all aspects except for the beer color parameter, in which T3 was considered the preferred one. Samples of the treatments were also sent to the MSV food laboratory to obtain physicochemical and microbiological analyses of the resulting beers, in which all aspects were similar except for alcohol content, in which the control and T2 had 5 °GL, while T3 and T4 were recorded 3 °GL and <3 °GL. Finally, a market research study was conducted in the city of Cuenca, where, through a sample population, the interest of citizens in purchasing a craft beer brewed partially with Zhima corn was determined, as well as prices willing to pay, previous knowledge of the market and personal tastes in beer. Keywords: Beer, zhima corn, barley, fermentation