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Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Bermeo Siavichay , Damián Andrés; Rosales Namicela , Mónica Briggith; 0106487671
Eficacia del Arnés de Pavlik versus Férula Milgram en el tratamiento de displasia del desarrollo de cadera en lactantes de 1 mes a 12 meses de edad: revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Alvarez Zari, Daniel Alexander; Medina Arias, Anita Lorena; 0106786056
Background: Developmental hip dysplasia (DHD) is the most common hip disorder in pediatric orthopedics. Its complications or sequelae include dysplasia, osteonecrosis, and osteoarthritis. Various treatments exist, including the Pavlik Harness and the Milgram Splint.
Objective: To establish the effectiveness of the Pavlik Harness versus the Milgram Splint in the treatment of hip dysplasia in infants.
Methods: Systematic review was conducted in the databases PubMed, Science Direct, and SciELO, among others, through documents in English and Spanish, using keywords, such as dysplasia, hip, infants, Pavlik Harness, Milgram Splint.
Results: After reviewing a total of six articles, it was found that developmental hip dysplasia is a high-complexity perinatal bone condition. A commonly used procedure is the Pavlik Harness, indicated as a first-line treatment for children with DHD due to its high efficacy. Insufficient studies confirm the effectiveness of the Milgram Splint. The use of the Pavlik Harness yields proven results regarding its efficacy. Conclusions: The Pavlik Harness is the first-line treatment for children with early diagnosis of DHD due to its high effectiveness. There is insufficient documentary evidence to support the level of efficacy of the Milgram Splint.
Keywords: dysplasia, hip, infants, Pavlik Harness, Milgram Splint
Indemnización por despido intempestivo a partir de la mejor remuneración. Un asunto de reforma
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Uzhca Pangol, Jocelyne Paola; San Martín Andrade, María Agusta; 0107207268
Unfair dismissal is a critical issue affecting workers' economic stability in labor relations. In Ecuador, the current regulations establish that severance pay is calculated based on the last salary received; however, this method may be insufficient as it does not reflect the worker's true economic potential. This study proposes a reform of Article 188 of the Labor Code so that severance pay is based on the best salary earned, ensuring fairer and more equitable compensation. Objective: This investigation aims to justify the need to modify the current legislation, enabling the severance calculation to consider the employee's salary history rather than just their last paycheck. Methodology: This research follows a qualitative approach with a descriptive-explanatory level. Historical-logical, deductive-inductive, and analytical-synthetic methods are used to analyze the evolution of unfair dismissal and its legal implications. Additionally, interviews were conducted with workers, employers, and legal experts alongside a literature review. Results: The outcomes reveal that workers support using the best salary as the basis for calculation, while employers believe this change would increase business costs. Meanwhile, legal experts emphasize balancing workers' rights and business sustainability. Conclusion: The proposed reform seeks to enhance labor protection without severely impacting employers, promoting a more stable and just labor environment.
Keywords: severance pay, job stability, unfair dismissal, comparative law
Hábitos alimenticios y actividad física en estudiantes universitarios: revisión bibliográfica
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Yánez Ayavaca, Miriam Alexandra; Toledo Moncayo, Cecilia; 0301953378
The demands of contemporary societies have created various challenges for university students in developing healthy eating habits and maintaining regular physical activity. This situation has highlighted health problems and low academic performance among students. Therefore, this scientific article aimed to determine university students' healthy eating habits and physical activity through a literature review. A qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach was implemented to analyze the impact of eating habits and physical activity among university students. Inclusion criteria included articles from the last ten years and documents in Spanish and English, while exclusion criteria encompassed books, book chapters, reports, symposiums, informational catalogs, and web pages. In conclusion, the study revealed that university students have low physical conditioning and inadequate eating habits, which are influenced by study schedules, academic stress, and a lack of interest in health care.
Keywords: eating habits, physical activity, university students
Evaluación de tres dilutores comerciales sobre el semen de ovino post congelación
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Paucar Quito, Janneth Elizabeth; Alvarado Alvarado, Juan Carlos; 0106540495
Sheep breeding has a significant impact on the country's economy; however, traditional management practices are often maintained in this industry, which reduces international competitiveness. For this reason, it is essential to improve sheep production through the genetic improvement of animals with high productive and reproductive potential. The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of three commercial dilutors, Ovixcell, Andromed and Triladyl on the sperm quality of post-freezing ovine semen. According to the parameters of each commercial house in semen from rams of the Katahdin, Pelibuey and Dorper breeds, with 15 extractions, 5 for each sheep, for a total of 45 samples, evaluated by traditional microscopy by staining, fluorescence, pH, also included kinetic parameters evaluated by the CASA system, all variables were evaluated at two intervals, in fresh semen freshly diluted and post-freezing. In the analysis of permeability and progressivity in fresh diluted semen, Triladyl obtained efficient results (p< 0.05), while in kinetics Andromed and Triladyl achieved a remarkable impact (p< 0.05), when analyzing the mentioned parameters in post-freezing Triladyl obtained significant results (p< 0.05). 05) while the other controls rotated, Ovixcell in second place demonstrating better resistance to cryopreservation (p< 0.05) before Andromed, which has evidenced a significantly drastic decrease, indicating high mortality in thawed semen. It is concluded that the Triladyl extender better preserves the functional characteristics of ovine sperm by protecting the plasma membrane, conserving vitality and providing greater protection against the consequences of cryopreservation.
Keywords: sheep, sperm, diluent, cryopreservation