Fajardo Romero, Carlos JulioMiranda Zea, Juana Gloria2022-07-272022-07-272019Miranda Zea, J. (2019) Análisis de las consecuencias jurídica del incumplimiento de los acuerdos tramitados por la justicia de paz para la solución de conflictos, en los sectores rurales de la provincia de Napo.[Trabajo de Investigacion de Grado. Universidad Católica de Cuenca].13BT-D2019-AB35https://dspace.ucacue.edu.ec/handle/ucacue/11869SRThe current research is centered on the Justice of Peace, which through its implementation aims to settle the procedural burden under the normal legal system, being an alternative method of resolving conflicts, as established in the current Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and implemented in the Organic Code of the Judicial Function, an in-depth research has been done on the theory of Justice of Peace, by describing its legal nature, as well as its principles, features and applicability, but especially the non-compliance with the commitments made after the completion of its proceedings, and the legal implications that this entails, the Ecuadorian State has been forced to include Justice of the Peace in the Constitution as a mechanism for resolving conflicts in a more friendly, direct and effective way, mainly by directing it towards those areas which due to their geographical location have no access to ordinary justice, as is the case in the province of Napo, the location where this research was undertakenapplication/pdf81 páginasspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.esMECANISMOS ALTERNATIVOS, JUSTICIA DE PAZ, CARGA PROCESAL, ACCESO A LA JUSTICIAAnálisis de las consecuencias jurídica del incumplimiento de los acuerdos tramitados por la justicia de paz para la solución de conflictos, en los sectores rurales de la provincia de Napo.info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis