Trabajos de Titulación - Sede Azogues - Odontología
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- ÍtemAcceso Abierto“Abordaje odontopediátrico a pacientes discapacitados. Una revisión sistemática”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) López Ochoa, Juan Sebatián; Vásquez Ávila, Camila José; Ordóñez Crespo, Paola Alexandra; 0107193518; 0301988994; ., .OBJECTIVE: To determine the most appropriate pediatric dentistry approach for children with disabilities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research was conducted following the guidelines of the PRISMA statement, with a modification of the PICO question (PIO). The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO databases were used. Articles in English and Spanish, clinical trials, and observational studies were randomly selected as inclusion criteria. The quality of the articles was evaluated using the CONSORT scale for randomized clinical trials and STROBE for observational studies. RESULTS: A total of 15 articles were included for qualitative analysis; 67% were low bias, and 33% were medium bias. Efficacy, parental preference, and type of pediatric dentistry treatment were analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Basic techniques were the most effective and preferred by parents for behavioral management of their children with disabilities, followed as a complementary technique by nitrous oxide sedation. At the same time, general anesthesia is utilized in more complex treatments.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAlteraciones de estructura en la dentición temporal y su relación con partos prematuros. Una revisión bibliográfica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Lala Tenelema, María Cristina; Delgado López, María Augusta; 0302300132; ., .OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research was to look for available evidence on structural alterations in the temporary dentition in premature infants, determining if there is a relationship between them. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The methodology applied was the search of literature in different scientific bases such as Pubmed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science. A variety of articles were found that addressed the subject. To select information, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied choosing different types of works such as cohort studies, case studies, case reports, longitudinal studies, systematic reviews, etc. To classify data, the guide of the DeCs and MeSH descriptors were used, gathering a total of 30 articles at the end of the bibliographic search. RESULTS: The results received determined that there is a high correlation between alterations of dental structure and premature birth which Will directly affect the temporary and permanent dentition. Enamel defects are the most frequent alterations in premature children due to multiple factors a mother can present during pregnancy, becoming prenatal, perinatal or postnatal factors. These factors alter the process of amelogenesis where the quantity and quality of the enamel Will have variations. In the articles reviewed, hypoplasia was the most prevalent defect. CONCLUSION: It is important to keep an adequate control during pregnancy until the gestation process ends, because in this way, a correct formation of the dentition and its amelogenesis processes can be guaranteed.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis comparativo del desempeño clínico de las resinas Bulk Fill y reforzadas con Fibra: Una revisión sistemática en Odontología Restaurativa.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) González Ortiz , Alexis Israel; Herrera Carangui, Nathaly Cristina; Urgiles Urgiles, Cristian Danilo; 0302501564; 0302989199; .Dental restorative materials are organic-mineral materials employed in dental procedures. The Bulk Fill resins usage is associated with monoblock techniques, reducing clinical time; fiber-reinforced resins present excellent mechanical properties such as increased resistance to occlusal forces due to their mechanical properties. Materials and methods: Descriptive research with a quantitative approach was conducted, following the PRISMA statement. Initially, 245 documents were identified, and after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 documents were selected for the study. Results: After examining success rates, clinical performance, and application difficulties, the findings indicated that Bulk Fill resin restorations have a success rate of over 95% between 6 months and five years; its complications included lack of adaptation, marginal staining, and microleakage. On the other hand, fiber-reinforced resins showed a high success rate with a fatigue resistance of 87%, with non-catastrophic fractures identified as complications. Conclusions: The two resin systems have presented excellent clinical performance so their use is recommended; therefore, research is limited by the lack of literature on fiber-reinforced resins because they are a new element in restorative dentistry.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis comparativo del diámetro D0 de limas K10 de varias marcas.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Dutan Fernández, Byron Javier; Coloma Calle, Luis Emilio; 0301965679
- ÍtemAcceso Abierto“Anatomía dental interna en premolares superiores e inferiores mediante la técnica de diafanización dental”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Carpio Jaramillo, Jhulissa Pamela; Chuqui Maurazaca, Claudia Morelia; Montesinos Rivera, Mayra Vanessa; 1104884265; 0302590963; ., .Objective: To describe the internal dental anatomy in upper and lower premolars using the diaphanization technique. Materials and Methods: The methodology was descriptive, observational, laboratory design, and cross-sectional. For the internal anatomy analysis, 216 samples were obtained from the group of extracted human first and second premolars, both upper and lower, to be diaphanized through the Robertson technique (2019). The duct typology and ramifications were analyzed according to Vertucci, Pucci, and Reig's ducts codification. A digital microscope (Dino-lite digital microscope) was used for the analyses. Results: There was a higher prevalence of upper first premolars with type I (46%.25), significantly exceeding type V (22.50%) and type IV (15%), as well as in the group of lower first premolars, type I (75%) had a high percentage, followed by type IV (16.18%), while in upper second premolars, the most prevalent was the type I (66.67%) followed by type V (22.22%). On the other hand, in the group of lower second premolars, type I prevailed with 90.63%, followed by type V (9.38%). Regarding ramifications, it was observed that 34% presented secondary ramifications, followed by accessory ramifications with 19%. Conclusion: The configuration of the root system in premolars is complicated by its disposition, course, and presence of important morphological variations and ramifications. The diaphanization technique provides extensive three-dimensional information on the internal anatomy, identifying the root systems.
- ÍtemAcceso Abierto“Anatomía interna de molares mandibulares mediante tomografía de haz cónico computarizado ”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Samaniego Rivera, Geanella Anael; Montesinos Rivera, Mayra Vanessa; 0705003226; ., .Objective: To evaluate the internal anatomy of mandibular molars by Ccone beam tomography. Materials and methods: In this research, 89 first and 93-second mandibular molars were analyzed by Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to know the internal anatomy of the root canals. The results of the anatomical variations were evaluated with the Chi-square test. Results: According to Vertucci's typology, type IV predominated in the mesial root of the first molars, while type III prevailed in the second molars and type I in the distal root. In the first molars, predominated type C1, and in the second molars, C4-shaped canal, the presence of the mesial middle canal was 0.55%, and radix entomolaris in 4.40%. Conclusions: The sample analyzed according to Vertucci's configuration was typology IV and III in the first and second molars, while the prevalence of C canals was found in the second molars.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosAnomalías dentomaxilofaciales y factores de riesgo en niños de 5 a 10 años en la escuela "Mushuk Kawsay". Cantón el Tambo-Cañar. Septiembre 2013 a Mayo 2014(2014) Nivelo Tenemaza, Manuel Efraín; Muñoz Pillajo, Hugo Marcelo
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnsiedad dental en el personal del municipio del cantón Biblian, Cañar periodo 2017 - 2018(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Calle Calle, Maritza Alexandra; Vallejo Aguirre, Rodrigo Fernando; 0302620166; ., .bjective. Determine the degree of dental anxiety in the staff of the Municipality of the canton Biblián. Cañar 2017-2018. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional, observational study that evaluated 152 employees, of which 72.3% were men and 27.7% were women, the modified Corah dental anxiety scale was used, Spanish version. Results The most prevalent level of dental anxiety was mild or none (37.1%), followed by moderate anxiety (35.6%) and severe anxiety or phobia was the one with the lowest percentage (13.8%). The most prevalent degree of anxiety according to sex was masculine in mild or null (28.9%), and in the female the moderate anxiety was the most prevalent with 8.8% (p = 0.248). In relation to age, the group aged 31 to 50 years had a higher prevalence of severe dental anxiety or phobia 9.4% (p = 0.323). The most prevalent question was the injection of local anesthetic that represented (15.1%) of dental phobia, followed by the question, when they were in the waiting room with one (3.1%), and the procedure that lower dental anxiety presented was the question if they had to go tomorrow to the dentist (64.2%). Conclusions The degree of dental anxiety in the staff of the Municipality of the canton Biblián. 2017-2018, according to the validated modified Corah instrument, there was a higher prevalence of mild or no anxiety, followed by moderate anxiety and the one with the lowest percentage was severe anxiety or dental phobia.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnsiedad dental en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos odontológicos. Una revisión bibliográfica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Avilés Conde, Santiago Israel; Aguilar Maldonado, José David; 1803883824; ., .Introduction: Dental anxiety is the fear or refusal of dental treatment that involves a detrimental emotional response manifested through cognitive, physiological, and motor reactions. It is primarily characterized by avoidance behavior as patients do not attend regular dental check-ups, postpone appointments, and only seek dental care when experiencing pain. It constitutes the main obstacle to procedural success in dental care. There has been significant advancement in the skills training for dentists dealing with the psychological aspect. Objective: To determine the effects of dental anxiety in patients receiving dental care. Materials and Methods: A literature review was conducted, and a specific search was performed in databases such as SciELO, PubMed, Redalyc, Scopus, and the Web of Science. The keywords included DeCS and MeSH Descriptors, namely dental anxiety, and dental treatment anxiety. The most significant information was obtained from titles, abstracts, and conclusions. Results: The investigation resulted in 48,625 articles identified by the database search. Then, 114 articles were established through the filters employed. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 articles were selected for inclusion in the literature review study.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnsiedad en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas odontológicas. Revisión bibliográfica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Beltrán Blacio, Briggitte Nicoll; Inga Delgado, Xavier Orlando; 0705479590; ., .Dental surgery is a surgical procedure that causes anxiety in most people. The purpose of this bibliographic review was to know about the integral management of patients affected by anxiety when undergoing dental surgery. Materials and methods: a bibliographic search of scientific articles was carried out in different digital databases, including articles published from the years 2015 to 2020 and excluding unavailable full text articles, articles containing irrelevant information and articles published prior to the years required. Different online databases were consulted in English and Spanish such as: Scielo, The Lancet, The Journal, Scopus, Web of Science, Clinical Trial. The review was limited to the search for topics related to dental-related anxiety and anxiety in oral surgeries. Results: dental surgery is an invasive procedure that increases the levels of anxiety and fear in patients. Occasionally, it is unknown how the patients will react, since anxiety occurs in different ways. Therefore, a dentist has to be duly prepared to deal with these patients before and after dental surgery. In this literature review, the 20 most relevant articles from the scientific search were chosen and classified according to their etiology, prevalence, signs, symptoms, systemic manifestations, techniques and procedures that reduce dental anxiety in the face of surgical procedures. Conclusions: The comprehensive care on patients with dental anxiety consists in identifying the different sign and symptoms before performing any dental-surgical procedure since different systemic manifestations shall determine the most suitable psychological or pharmacological method to decrease high levels of anxiety and end up with a comfortable dental surgery without complications.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoApiñamiento dental anteroinferior y su relación con los tercero molares. Revisión de la literatura(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Lema Paguay, Gissela Maribel; Tamayo Proaño, Michelle Anabell; Crespo Crespo, Cristina Mercedes; 0302502588; 1804415220; ., .Crowding is a reduction in the perimeter of the arch, which can manifest itself as closure of the space due to movement of the teeth, related to a connection between the size ofthe teeth, genetic and local factors and the eruption of the third molars in a mesioangular or horizontal direction, within the dental arch producing forces that are directed in a mesial direction and these affect adjacent molars and adjacent teeth. The aim of this study is to evaluate dental crowding and its relationship with the eruption of mandibular third molars, trying to find the best explanation for these two situations that could be related. A review of the literature was carried out in digital databases: Google Scholar, Web of Science, SciELO, EBSCO, Scopus as well as: MEDLINE-PubMed, Elsevier, Springer Open, Taylor & Francis. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied and 40 articles were selected with a maximum of 8 years since first published. Results show it was possible to identify that the third molar 'is not related to anteroinferior crowding, and exodontia is indicated as a preventive method, evaluating each case. To sum up, the third molar does not influence crowding, this is related to the difference between the length of the arch and the size of the teeth among other factors. Mesialization of the second molars and premolars is also present and the interproximal space 'is reduced due to the force exerted by the third molar.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAsociación entre la postura cráneo cervical y los trastornos temporomandibulares. Una revisión de la literatura(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Pesántez Erazo, Juan Sebastián; Ramírez Velásquez, Mariela del Carmen; 0105785372; ., .AIM: The aim of the present research was to determine the association between cranial cervical posture and temporomandibular disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A bibliographic research in the following databases was carried out: Pubmed, Redalyc, EBSCO, BVS, academic Google, Scielo and Scopus. Cross-sectional descriptive studies, case-control, correlational and cohort studies that evaluated cranial cervical posture related to temporomandibular disorders and that were published in the last 5 years in Spanish, English and Portuguese were included. RESULTS: 13 scientific articles were selected for the analysis. From these articles, 9 studies reported positive relations between the variables under study and 4 denied the existence of any type of relation between the variables. CONCLUSIONS: In the present and updated literature review study, it is possible to conclude that the association between temporomandibular dysfunction as a pathology that generates an influence when it is related to cranial cervical posture and the different position alterations that are produced in the head and neck areas, is still controversial among authors.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención adontológica en niños con discapacidad. Revisión de la literatura(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Sacta Zhumi, Sandra Isabel; Urgilés Urgilés, Cristian Danilo; 0302263975; ., .OBJECTIVE: the general objective of this study is to know the aspects general guidelines to consider in order to provide an effective dental approach and treatment to children with disabilities in routine dental consultation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: systematic bibliographic review clinical trials and clinical cases, as well as books and manuals on the subject of disabilities, care and dental management in patients with disabilities. RESULTS: Pediatric dentistry treatments for boys and girls with a disability agrees mainly with the type of disability they present, Given this, the dental professional must be prepared to treat these cases. CONCLUSION The general aspects to know to provide an approach and treatment Effective dental treatment for children with disabilities in the routine dental consultation are the following: the disease itself, the degree of disability caused by the disease, the behavior of the patient, the manifestations of the disability, the procedure dentist and the professionals involved as part of the work team.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención odontológica en adolescentes durante el brote de covid-19 en el Distrito de Salud 03D01. Azogues-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Loja Naula, María Manuela; Martínez Centeno, Helen Lisbeth; Urgiles Rojas, Luisa Andrea; 0950558908; 0106884174; ., .INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 was a public health emergency decreed as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. This study examined the pattern of dental care in vulnerable adolescents and the high incidence of oral conditions requiring emergency care during the pandemic. OBJECTIVE: To describe dental care in the course of the COVID-19 outbreak in Health District 03D01 in adolescents aged 10-14 and 15-19. METHODOLOGY: The information included data from 28 dental care institutions attached to the 03D01 Health District of Cañar under the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador (MOPH). During 2020, 13,988 dental services were provided to 1033 pre-adolescents (10-14 years) and 1155 adolescents (15-19 years). RESULTS: April was the most attended month in Isolation (74%) and November in Distancing (17.05%). Women attended more frequently (66.2% and 62.1%), related to race, mestizo represented (97.4% and 96.7%); the reasons for consultation were in more significant numbers for pulp and periapical tissue diseases (42.90%) in Isolation and caries and hard tissue diseases of the teeth in Distancing (26.20%). CONCLUSIONS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were differences in dental care due to health restrictions, and a similar influx of female patients was observed. The most common reasons for consultation were dental pulp and periapical tissue diseases, caries, and hard tissue teeth disorders.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención odontológica en adultos durante el brote de Covid-19 en el Distrito de Salud 03D01. Azogues - Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Pañora Coronel, María Gisela; Vallejo Aguirre, Rodrigo Fernando; 0302620984; .OBJECTIVE: To identify the characteristics of dental care in adults during the outbreak of COVID-19 in health district 03D01.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quantitative, descriptive, and retrospective study was conducted where the gathered information included data related to dental care for young adults in health district 03D01 of the province of Cañar from March to December 2020.RESULTS: According to the analysis of reviewed statistical data, it was observed that November and December showed an increase in dental care for adults (15.57%) and (15.85%), respectively, also marking the frequency of attendance. The mestizo ethnic group was the most attended (95.8%). Regarding gender, women had a higher percentage of attendance (64.3%), with the majority of patients coming from rural areas (45.3%) during isolation and urban areas (58.8%) during distancing. Intramural care was prevailing (99.0%), and the predominant ICD-10 group was Group 8 - Dental Examination (38.5%) and Group 3, Diseases of the Pulp and Periapical Tissues (40.0%). CONCLUSIONS: During the isolation period, dental care decreased due to state-imposed restrictions. However, the urban area had the highest attendance, especially by women seeking treatment for pulp diseases, caries, and other pathologies of hard dental tissues due to pain or routine dental examination.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención odontológica en adultos mayores durante el brote de Covid – 19 en el Distrito de Salud 03D01. Azogues-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Rojas Salazar, Angie Lizbeth; Vallejo Aguirre, Rodrigo Fernando; 0750571317; ., .OBJECTIVE: To determine the dental care characteristics among older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak in Health District 03D01. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quantitative, observational, retrospective study was conducted to analyze the dental care of older adults in Health District 03D01 in Cañar province from March to December 2020. RESULTS: Statistical data analysis revealed that dental care for older adults increased in November (16.51%) and December (18.98%), with both months showing similar attendance frequency. The majority of patients belonged to the mestizo ethnic group (96.8%), and women represented the majority of patients (51.6%). Patients from rural areas accounted for 61.3% of the total, while those from urban area made up 58.5%. Intramural care was predominant (83.9%). The predominant CIE-10 group was the 8 of dental examination (69.7%) and the category 3 of diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues (25.8%) CONCLUSIONS: Dental care during the isolation phase started with a minority of patients but improved throughout the year, reaching its highest numbers in December. Urban areas had a higher prevalence during this period, especially women who usually came for an intramural dental examination because of pain or simply prevention.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención odontológica en infantes durante el brote de Covid-19 en el distrito de Salud 03D01(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Paladines Yange, Walter Xavier; Morocho Macas, Ángel Aurelio; 0706704244
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAtención odontológica en pacientes pediátricos con trastornos del espectro autista. Revisión bibliográfica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Villavicencio Urvina, Edwin Patricio; Abad Freire, Viviana Daniela; 0106240914In dental consultations, the lack of knowledge on how to treat patients with autism spectrum disorders could increase episodes of periodontal disease, cavities, or the premature loss of primary teeth. This study aimed to identify the minimum considerations before providing dental care to pediatric patients with autism spectrum disorders. The study is descriptive and cross-sectional. Searching documents addressing the care of pediatric patients with autism spectrum disorders was conducted in Scopus, PubMed, SciELO, Redalyc, and Web of Science. The analysis of the scientific literature was based on 17 manuscripts, which highlight that dental care should consider a) prior preparation, b) environment and communication, c) adaptations during treatment, and d) collaboration among the care team. It is concluded that patients with autism attending dental consultations receive care like any other child. However, dental professionals acquire specific knowledge, skills, and techniques to treat these patients in the dental environment. In this context, it is essential to establish a collaborative relationship between the patient's family and the dentist, as this contributes to the success of the treatment. Keywords: autism, oral health, autism spectrum disorder, oral hygiene, dental care
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAula invertida en odontopediatría para el aprendizaje de estudiantes de odontología de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca Campus Azogues 23-24. Estudio Piloto(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Abrigo Abrigo, Angel Alcivar; Castro Duche, Dulce María; Abad Freire, Viviana Daniela; 1950062479; 1104116163
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAutomediación odontológica en pacientes que acuden a las clínicas de especialidades odontológicas de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca y el Centro de Salud número 1 de Azogues periodo 2017(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Araujo Crespo, Ana Gabriela; Crespo Crespo, Cristina Mercedes; 0301851069; ., .AIM: Identify the prevalence of dental self-medication in patients attending the Dental Specialty Clinics of the Catholic University of Cuenca and the Health Center Number 1 of Azogues - Ecuador 2017. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It corresponded to an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study , the population consisted of patients of both genders, from 17 to 60 years of age attended in the two institutions, the sample was of 201 patients; The validated questionnaire of Conhi and Cols was applied in Peru. RESULTS: The prevalence of self-medication was 75%, in the private entity self-medication was more prevalent in the male sex 60%, and in the public self-medication was more prevalent in females 49%; NSAIDs were the most used drugs in both male and female, 21% and 34% respectively (p = 0.165); the group which was self-medicated the most was 17 to 25 years, self-medication prevailing with NSAID 33% (p = 0.915). The most used presentation according to age and sex were the tablets, there was not statistically significant relationship found, p = 0,1115, the dental pathology associated with self-medication was dental pain. CONCLUSIONS: Dental self-medication was practiced by two thirds of the sample, there was a higher prevalence in females and in groups of 17 to 25 years, the most used drug was NSAIDs and the most usual form were the pills ; it is distinguish that the most of the respondents are fully aware of the damage that self-medication could cause to health; dental pain was the biggest reason for self-medication.