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Ítem Solo Metadatos PREVALENCIA DE EPISTAXIS Y FACTORES ASOCIADOS, EN EL SERVICIO DE OTORRINOLARINGOLOGIA DEL HOSPITAL “CARLOS ANDRADE MARIN” – QUITO, MARZO – AGOSTO 2014(2014) RUIZ BRITO, EVELYN TATIANA; VÁZQUEZ TORRES, LUIS MARCELO; 1716289242Ítem Solo Metadatos "PREVALENCIA DE RINITIS ALÉRGICA Y FACTORES ASOCIADOS EN EL HOSPITAL JOSÉ CARRASCO ARTEAGA, MARZO-AGOSTO 2014"(2014) MORENO DÁVILA, JOSÉ FERNANDO; BRITO JURADO, IVAN; 103903753Ítem Solo Metadatos "CALIDAD DE VIDA ANTES Y DESPUÉS DE SEPTOPLASTIA EN PACIENTES CON OBSTRUCCIÓN NASAL, HOSPITAL JÓSE CARRASCO ARTEAGA, CUENCA 2014"(2014) CALDERÓN ALEMÁN, DENISS PAÚL; QUEZADA QUEZADA, OLGA; 103155446Ítem Solo Metadatos PREVALENCIA Y FACTORES ASOCIADOS A HIPOACUSIA NEUROSENSORIAL BILATERAL EN PACIENTES DEL SERVICIO DE OTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA DEL HOSPITAL CARLOS ANDRADE MARÍN, QUITO, MAYO – AGOSTO 2014(2014) LÓPEZ ARAÚJO, JORGE EFRAÍN; VÁZQUEZ TORRES, LUIS MARCELO; 1709725806Ítem Solo Metadatos "HIPERTROFIA DE CORNETES EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE OTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA DEL HOSPITAL NAVAL DE GUAYAQUIL, MAYO – OCTUBRE 2014"(2014) OCHOA MATUTE, MÓNICA EUGENIA; VÁZQUEZ TORRES, LUIS MARCELO; C0102540937Ítem Solo Metadatos Prevalencia de complicaciones relacionadas con septoplastias realizadas en el hospital "José Carrasco Arteaga", Cuenca 2014(2014) Ortega Barrazueta, Jorge Alfredo; Quezada Quezada, Olga; 102540937Ítem Restringido Comunicación de malas noticias retos en la práctica médica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2023) Salazar López, Joselyne Lilibeth; Bravo Pesántez, Claudio Esteban; 0705756153Introduction: Learning general communication skills may enable physicians to deliver bad news less uncomfortably and more satisfyingly to patients and their families. International research suggests that solutions to these problems have been sought by creating training programs to improve the transmission of medical information. Objective: To carry out an exhaustive review of the scientific and medical literature related to the communication of bad news in the health field. Methodology: Narrative literature review in studies, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, controlled clinical trials, case-control and cohort studies, literature reviews reporting updates on bad news communication in medicine from 2018 to 2023, in English and Spanish. Results: Twenty-one articles were selected, and it was found that the reasons physicians have difficulties delivering bad news are common concerns about how the news will affect the patient, the challenge of individualizing how to deliver bad news, and the content delivered; they may be afraid of the patient's or family's reaction to the news, or not knowing how to deal with an intense emotional response. Conclusions: Applying new guidelines, protocols and developing general communication skills may allow physicians to deliver bad news in an empathic way, in addition to the patient-physician relationship, providing security to the patient and their families.Ítem Acceso Abierto Lactobacillus Crispatus en el tratamiento de virus de papiloma humano en mujeres(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Ordoñez Abad, Julissa Anabel; Durán Vega, Oswaldo Jair; 0705896637Lactobacillus crispatus is vital for the homeostasis of the cervicovaginal microbiota. Its usefulness provides new approaches to treating Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in women. Several studies support the efficacy of this prebiotic as a preventive method against HPV. The authors emphasize that although there is no evidence that Lactobacillus crispatus eradicates high-risk HPV, there is a significant improvement in the presentation of symptoms. For this reason, this literature review focuses on providing updated information that may be useful to prevent women from continuing to lose their lives to this pathology. All authors in this review agree that the number of L. crispatus present in the vaginal microbiome is directly related to the severity of high-risk HPV presentation. Although healthy and HPV-infected women have similar microbiota, the number of healthy microorganisms makes the difference. This is why HPV directly influences the presentation of vaginal pathogenic bacteria.