Examinando por Autor "Galarza González, Erika Lisseth"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Prevención de trastornos hipertensivos en el embarazo(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Galarza González, Erika Lisseth; Rodas Torres, Américo Fernando; 0302713029; ., .lntroduction: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are one of the problerns that affet pregnant wornen around the world, in Ecuador, it is considered the ain cause of maternal deaths. These disorders have a varied and not very specific etiology, however, severak authors reach the consensus of an alteration in placenta! perfusion or alteration ofthrornboxane factor, which triggers vasoconstriction, darnage ofvascular permeability, and therefore an increase in pressure. Objective: The rnain objetive ofthis literature review is to determine pharmacological and non-pharmacological rneasures for hypertensive disorders in pregnacy. Methodology: This research will be conducted through scuentific articles, guides, or docurnents updated in last 5 years in English and Spanish, respectively. Results: Within the results, it could be determined that both pharmacological rneasures such as calciurn, aspirin, vitarnin supplernents, and other drugs; the appropriate doses at the specific tirne decrease the risk, as well as non-pharmacological rneasures such as diet, physucal exercose, toxic habits, arnong others help to irnprove the health status ofthe pregnat wornan thus avoiding rnortality of both rnother and fetus. Conclusions: The prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnacy is based on the use ofpharmacological and non-pharmacological rneasures, which will irnprove the prognosis and quality of life pf the patient.