Sede Azogues - Ingeniería Civil
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis comparativo de mezclas de suelo - cemento, suelo - cal y suelo . Cemento - cal, para estabilización de vías rurales(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Cárdenas Flores, Miguel Fernando; Illéscas Cárdenas, Paúl Esteban; 0302295696; ., .The increase in population in the country and the world has generated the creation and expansion Longitudinal of roads that allow connecting different rural sectors with the urban ones. The presentation of a soil stabilization system, will improve the conditions of rural roads. can be considered as a maintenance alternative or a road construction process. improving communication between different sectors and populations. The study of soil stabilization, with the use of materials such as cement and lime. allow to improve the characteristics of the soil, so that it is capable of to withstand vehicular traffic loads. To obtain effective mixtures in the different types of soil, it is necessary to carry out previous tests that allow determining their characteristics, their initial resistance, granulometry, humidity, Atterberg limits. among others and thus finally be able to establish parameters on the amount of material) conglomerate to be added to achieve an ultimate resistance, which supports motorized traffic loads. The present work was carried out with the addition of percentages of 5%, 7% and 8% of both cement and lime and a combination between these two with the matter) clay from the study area. Each test is supported based on regulations such as AASHTO and ASTM, which were fulfilled adequately to obtain Favorable results. The use of lime and cement have contributed to the resistance of the soil natural, according to the data obtained after the trials, favoring its use for rural roads.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis comparativo de una vivienda de hormigón armado con sistema aporticado y una vivienda de mampostería estructural(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Idrovo Pesántez, Mónica Jessenia; Gamón Torres, Roberto; 0302238019; ., .This work proposes a constructive technical analysis for a House with Reinforced Concrete with an Infrastructure System and a House with Structural Masonry, in which will include the characteristics of the structural members (flagstone, beams, columns) type of materials that will be used, also technical specifications are involved and rules to be used for each of them. In the same way, the modeling will be carried out in the necessary software to complete the design of the proposed home and/or find the best constructive alternative.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis comparativo del comportamiento y costos de los sistemas constructivos pórticos resistentes a momento y muros de corte en hormigón armado(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Mora Cabrera, Juan Carlos; Gamón Torres, Roberto; 0302400783; ., .This degree work is based on a comparative analysis of the building systems walls and a moment resisting porch, considering drifts of floor, torsion and direct and indirect costs. This work has 5 chapters which are: In chapter I objectives, justification, methodology, hypothesis, art history and study generalities are presented, which are fundamental for its developing. In chapter II the design bases, regulations and to codes to use, the analysis of live and dead loads (weights) their combinations, the parameters used for the static equivalent analysis (design spectrum, basal cutting, vibration period, etc.) are described. In chapter III the building geometry is presented, an analysis and structural design of the reinforce concrete 6-stoty buildings were made using the wall and moment resisting porch systems was performed supporting on an equivalent static analysis applied according to the Ecuadorian Construction Rule NEC-15 and ACI 318-14 Code for the design of stairs, beams, columns, concrete slabs, section walls, footings. Using the Etabs software for simulation focusing on its structural behavior. On base of the results, the inelastic drift and the torsion system of constructive moment resisting porch was compared with construction system of section walls. On chapter IV on based of the results of design a costs study was developed, and applied to the type of structures, where the economic aspect was compared considering the direct and indirect costs and the others which come from the damages and reparation. In chapter V conclusions and recommendations are detailed, it emphasizes that the section wall system in comparison with the constructive moment resisting porch system provides the reduction of floor drift and torsion. Also, the section wall system has less cost by damages and reparation, but the cutting wall system has an increase of 2,43%, but this percentage is not relevant keeping in mind the security that provides. It is advisable continue comparing these structural systems using buildings with elevation variation and level, to use the section wall system in seismic zones with high acceleration.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis comparativo técnico económico de un edificio de hasta siete niveles utilizando hormigón armado y acero estructural(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) González González, Karina Fernanda; Gamón Torres, Roberto; 0302679618; ., .The present investigation has by objective the technical economic analysis of a structure projected for residential use. In the design of this edifice, variables were considered such as, the type of material being this the reinforced concrete and structural steel, also the number of floors of up to seven levels, the same that were utilized to obtain different structures with comparable designs. The program ETABS was used for the modeling and structural analysis of the edifices, through which it was emphasized in the fulfilment of the seismic resistance norms valid in Ecuador, with the designs obtained previously an analysis of unit prices has been made to obtain the cost of every alternative, within which considered aspects like material, labor and equipment; as a result of this process it was observed that the alternative in structural steel is more economical with regard to structural steel.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de calidad de agua del río Tabacay a través de macroinvertebrados acuáticos(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Redrován Calle, Sonia Fabiola; Idrovo Ortiz, Luis Holguer; 0301661658; ., .There are several reasons to analyze the water quality of a river, since it is considered one of the most important resources for ecosystems and the health of a population; For this reason, the analysis of the physical, chemical and biological conditions are essential to determine its status and its possible uses. The primary objective of this work is to establish the quality of the water in the Tabacay River, according to the existence of aquatic macroinvertebrates, through the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) methodology, which provides an established score to the different organisms found in the area, the same ones that serve as bioindicators to establish the condition of the water. It is very important to highlight that the analysis carried out was based on the samples obtained in the field for later identification of the order and family to which each organism belongs, in order to determine the quality of the river water. The results achieved include an analysis of each of the areas studied, both in the upper, middle and lower areas. In the lower zone, according to the applied methodology, a score of 79 was obtained, which is equivalent to an acceptable water quality, in the middle zone of the river, 84 points were obtained, giving an acceptable water quality, and while in the upper area of the river, 97 points were obtained, resulting in acceptable water quality.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de empleo de bloques de poliestireno, bloque pómez y casetones plásticos para el alivianamiento de losas rectangulares en edificaciones multifamiliares(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Macancela Córdova, Leonardo Saúl; Illescas Cárdenas, Paúl Esteban; 0302308119; ., .This graduation work is about an economic analysis of a multifamily building, which was built in reinforced concrete, with building elevation variations and material used to lighten reticular slabs. The evaluated materials are: polystyrene blocks, pumice blocks and plastic panels. Depending on the specific weight of each type of lightening, the resistant structure varies the sections of its structural elements, establishing an advantage for lower weight specific materials. The material showing the best results is expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks. Due to a structural analysis, it is shown that this material generates columns sections, beams and footings smaller than those of greater specific weight. This study is structured within a scientific research practical method. It was used computational models of matrix analysis were used to determine structural sections that comply with resisting design requests and to verify their weight among lightening options. As a result, it was obtained structural elements dimensions and the budget for each building’s height. Based on these data, verification graphs have been created according to the cost of each analyzed construction system.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de la calidad constructiva de las estructuras de hormigón armado en edificaciones de propiedad privada que se encuentran en construcción dentro del cantón Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Vargas Tello, Esteban Oswaldo; Crespo Crespo, Jorge Efraín; 0302266556; ., .One of the most widely used materials in the world for building construction is the Portland Cement hydraulic concrete due to its great mechanical characteristics, its low manufacturing cost, its easy production, its capacity of acquiring any shape, etc. The main objective of the following research is to assess the quality of the structural elements of reinforced concrete that are part of private buildings and housing in the city of Azogues, due to the fact that this is an essential and indispensable activity in any building process. The research is focused on assessing the building processes and the quality of the concrete used, as well as its main elements. The quality of recent concrete and its mechanical strength was evaluated, where samples could be molded on site and tested for compression in the laboratory. In other cases, if the structural elements were already built, their resistance was evaluated by non-destructive testing using the Schmidt hammer. For reinforcing steel, the degree of compliance with minimum diameters, bending and straightening of both longitudinal and stirrup reinforcing steel was calculated, as established by the American Concrete Institute and the Ecuadorian Building Standard. Finally, statistical tables will show the current state and scenario in which the building activity is taking place and its impact on the structural safety of buildings in Azogues.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de la manejabilidad del hormigón con materiales empleados en la ciudad de Azogues, considerando su contenido de agua y asentamineto(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Tandazo Parra, Sebastián Patricio; Crespo Crespo, Jorge Efraín; 0302197793; ., .Within the design of concrete, there has been a great controversy for a long time, at the moment of elaborating concrete mixtures it has not been possible to control its workability rigorously. Many factors can affect the flowability of concrete mixtures, one of the most important being the amount of water added to the mixture; however, this factor is also related to the physical properties of the aggregates, as well as the cementitious agent used. The immense variety of aggregates and types of cement in the world makes it impractical to standardize a procedure for all existing combinations. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests to determine the behavior of fresh concrete made with locally available materials and under different humidity conditions. The research is focused on establishing the correlation between the plasticity of the concrete and the amount of water added, to obtain data that will allow designers, contractors, and concrete producers to improve the characterization of the mixtures,considering the properties of the aggregates and types of cement that are marketed in Azogues city. The tests were conducted in a laboratory, in a controlled environment, and with materials of excellent quality, which comply with the requirements established by the Ecuadorian Standardization Service. The results are shown in several graphs and tables where the different settlements of a fresh mix can be observed, depending on the amount of water used, the type of cement, size and shape of the aggregate, as well as the water-cement ratio (A/C).Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de ladrillos ecológicos fabricados con suelo limo-arenoso, cemento, viruta y papel en base a resistencia, costo y deformación(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Campoverde Bustos, Franklin Mauricio; Nieto Cárdenas, Jaime Xavier; 0301670378; ., .The manufacturing processes of traditional bricks cause a negative impact on the environment. This graduation work details the manufacturing process of ecological-bricks done by using silty soil, portland cement, wood-remains and bond paper, then they go through a compressive-strength test in order to determinate their hardness, and evaluate their disfigurement, in other words, how their shape changes or adapts. Later they will be analyzed to decide which dosage obtains better results. To achieve this, a quantitative-experimental-descriptive approach is needed that clearly demonstrates the procedure used for the dosages of the materials, the compressive-strength tests and the calculation of the unit prices of the bricks. It was shown that bricks with a percentage of 40% and 50% of wood-leftovers managed to overcome the compressive strength of a traditional brick in 28% and 22% respectively. Besides this, they have the capability to deform themselves while receiving weight which differences them from a traditional brick that fractures, however, despite the superiority in compressive strength and disfigurement, their cost is higher than traditional bricks.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de las propiedades mecánicas de bloques de hormigón con fibras de cabuya(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Neira Neira, William Patricio; Nieto Cárdenas, Jaime Xavier; 0302244561; ., .The purpose of this study is to contribute to the information on the mechanical properties of concrete blocks developed on the basis of a mixture of cement, water, aggregates, and the addition of the Fiber of Cabuya, materials were obtanied within the province of Cañar, the percentages of addition of cabuya fiber in the concrete were 3, 6 and 9% in relation to the mass of the cement used in the mix. The results of the tests according to the standard NTE INEN 3066 degree in this work reveal that the specimens with the addition of 3% Fiber of Cabuya achieves an improvement in the resistance to compression of 35% in comparison with the traditional block, in addition to the results of the tests show that the greater the amount of fiber best are the results of absorption, density and moisture content. It is also conducted studies of the aggregates as sieve analysis, absorption and moisture content, in order to determine if they comply with the regulations in force for the mix design.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de movilidad en la zona urbana de la ciudad de Azogues con base a actividades socioeconómicas(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Cabrera González, Darwin Alexander; Pesántez González, Diego Alejandro; Romero González, Rómulo Ricardo; 0302871306; 0302594916; ., .The urban area of Azogues City is the center of attraction for travel, due to different aspects such as work, education, commerce, and health. It has become evident the growth of the vehicle fleet with a total of 23500 cars in 2017 (SRI), where heavy traffic levels have been detected, causing parallel problems like high noise levels that cause discomfort to the citizens. Therefore, a mobility analysis was conducted in a subzone of the city of Azogues. The general development of this proposal will be performed to increase the economic activity generated in the urban area, based mainly on the zoning of the study area, and to collect information corresponding to socio-economic activities through surveys of pedestrians and businesses and vehicular gauging in the six most conflictive intersections within the study area, and in this way, determine their capacity and service levels. Once the methodology was developed, the surveys revealed the most frequented places by the population and the number of users who visit them. Finally, from the vehicle counts, the calculations showed that the day of maximum demand is Saturdays, with delays between 13 and 17 seconds for each intersection. Therefore, it is concluded that this area has a level of service "B," representing a free flow on the road.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de movilidad mediante un estudio de origen-destino para la Univesidad Católica de Cuenca sede Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Carvajal Verdugo, Daniela Patricia; Illéscas Cárdenas, Paúl Esteban; 0302905450; ., .In the present study, a mobility analysis is made for the Universidad Católica de Cuenca Azogues, using an origin-destination matrix. In this context, mobility is examined in the area of influence of the mentioned institution, as well as in the Unidad Educativa Particular Universitaria de Azogues. Accordingly, the research corresponds to a quantitative approach and descriptive scope, using the survey technique far the collection of information, through a questionnaire applied to two informant agents.ln the first group, a sample of 597 people was considered, including students, teachers and administrative personnel of the university community, while the second group consisted of 1,818 vehicle drivers. The calculation of the sample in both cases corresponds to a stratified probability sampling. The results allow the establishing of a baseline far future mobility projects in the area, highlighting in the analysis that in the Charasol sector, where the educational facilities are located, more trips are generated compared to other areas of Azogues. In addition, 44% of the trips produced and attracted to the zone come directly from the different sectors under study and 56% of the trips use as alternative routes those found in the sector under study to reach their destination. Taking into consideration, it can be concluded that the two institutions generate a large influx of vehicles, becoming the main origin and destination for drivers circulating in the area.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de parámetros hidráulicos para estimar la localización de fugas en redes de distribución de agua potable(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Paguay Guamán, Jessica Carolina; Vintimilla Ulloa, Cristian Arturo; 0302714829; ., .Leaks in the potable water distribution networks produce water losses, economic losses of the organisms that operate the system, and the reduction of the service pressure, affecting the hydraulic efficiency of the networks. When the level of water loss exceeds 20% of the volume supplied to the system, it is applied a series of methods of estimation and location of leaks. In consequence, it is opportune to focus this graduation work on the estimation of the flow and position of leaks in a drinking water distribution network, by means of the network hydraulic modeling. In this work, a method to detect leaks in the pipes of the network is exposed, estimating their flow and the position. It is assumed that the network operates in permanent flow and that, for each pipe, there is only one leak point. The procedure is based on the schematization of the experimental model in EPANET, in the pressure measurements in some points of the network to identify probable leakage zones, and in the development of analysis scenarios considering different leakage location points, together with the estimation of the flow. The theory of calibration of hydraulic models is used, in particular the error between measured and simulated pressures, as a search mechanism for the optimal solution. This process of location and estimation of leakage flow is iterative until finding the best adjustment of measured and simulated pressures.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis económico entre cimentaciones losa maciza y "T" invertida(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Castro Guaillas, Jessica Elizabeth; González Rodríguez, Florencio Geovanny; 0302209887; ., .The present work analyzes two types of foundations: salid slab and inverted "T" with the objective of establishing which ofthe two structures is the most econornical for a 6-story building located in the city of Azogues in a consolidated area, following technical specifications, factors and coefficients of the Ecuadorian Construction NEC-15 and the criteria of the A.C.I. Code 3 l 8S-l 9. Through the use of Cypecad software that will allow us to know previously the functionality of the structure, evaluate the criteria of torsion, basal shear, centers of mass and floor drift. Our analysis allows us to discern and show that the technical criteria such as: floor drifts, torsion, settlements, stresses on the ground do not vary greatly between the foundation alternatives studied, therefore, at a technical level both proposals meet the same service standard. At the economic leve! we found a considerable difference in pnces, the solid slab foundation is 41,205.28 USD and the construction cost of the inverted "T" beam foundation is 30,080.96 USO. A difference of 11,124.32 USD, 36.98% of the cost of the inverted "T" beam foundation. Therefore, it mm is feasible to use the inverted "T" beam foundation alternative, since it is more economical. is it concluded thatÍtem Acceso Abierto Análisis estructural de edificaciones compuesta por un sistema PMR de hormigón armada e híbrido RCS(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Bustamante Andrade, Fabián Stefano; Romero González, Rómulo Ricardo; 0302158241; ., .This thesis aims to analyze the most efficient structural system as well as its feasibility, by comparing two reinforced concrete and mixed or hybrid systems, through the design of two analytical models that behave under all gravity and seismic actions. It is designed for the town of Azogues since it is a seismic zone of interest. Likewise, this research is based on three fundamental axes: design, construction, and cost/benefit. It should be noted that for the design, all the guidelines dictated by current Ecuadorian regulations and international codes are used. Additionally, a bibliography of countries that have already started to use the hybrid system was used. Finally, comparative parameters of the models were established, which will serve as a methodological guide for the design of reinforced and composite concrete structures, as well as indicating the system with the best structural performance.Ítem Acceso Abierto “Análisis hidráulico de los puentes sobre el río Burgay sector la Concordia”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Cabrera Guillén, Boris Fabricio; Vélez Vázquez, Vinicio Valentín; Vintimilla Ulloa, Cristian Arturo; 0302633615; 0350018388; ., .Over the years, bridges have suffered structural damage due to the events caused by climate change, such as major floods, so it is necessary to evaluate not only the structural factors but also the hydrological and hydraulic aspects. This research is focused on assessing the stability conditions of the bridges of “16 de Abril” Avenue, “La Concordia” sector, by modeling the hydraulic behavior of flow with an extreme event corresponding to a return period of 100 years and comparing it with recurrence times of both 25 and 50 years. To achieve successful modeling, field studies, flow gauging, bathymetry, and topographic surveys were conducted to establish the geometry of the area, together with the calibration of the one-dimensional hydraulic model HEC-RAS. This investigation showed the flow behavior with a flow variation for 47.9 m^3/s for 25 years, 59.5 m^3/s for 50 years, up to a maximum of 85.6 m^3/s corresponding to a return period of 100 years. Finally, as a result of the analysis, it was assumed that the bridges under study are hydraulically stable. However, to protect the foundations from the high velocities, options were recommended that can be implemented in future projects as long as they are verified with physical and mathematical models. Keywords:Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis y aplicación de la mezcla de hormigón con poliestireno expandido en detalles constructivos (mesones de cocina)(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Macancela Correa , Alex Javier; Illescas Cárdenas, Paúl Esteban; 0302702956; ., .This research focuses on examining the combination of concrete and expanded polystyrene. This specific mixture contributes to achieving a considerably lighter structure. In addition, its physical-mechanical characteristics are highlighted, providing adequate compressive, shear, tensile, and flexural strength and good elasticity. For the project, concrete cylinders were manufactured, mixing different percentages of polystyrene (5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, and 50%) to replace the fine aggregate, testing the strength ranges that this type of concrete must meet according to ASTM C-330. According to the results of the tabulated tests, following the procedures established by the ASTM C78 and ASTM C39 standards, the mix that was taken complies with the flexural strength ranges between 5.94 Mpa, and 15.37 Mpa, and has a lower weight than the usual concrete dosage. In this case, the mix within the range issued by the UNE-EN 12372 standard, meeting the mentioned criteria and having a lighter weight than other mixes, is concrete with 50% polystyrene. This mix will produce prefabricated slabs employed as kitchen countertops, forming part of a construction detail for any social housing, and could be used instead of granite.Ítem Acceso Abierto Aplicación del software especializado para diseño de zapatas en edificaciones(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Barrera Romero, Alexandra Fabiola; Romero González, Rómulo Ricardo; 0302629365; ., .For the design of shallow foundations there are several types of software, programs and spreadsheets that allow data processing and obtaining results, despite the services provided by these work materials, not all of them are accessible, due to the fact that an analysis must be carried out. payment for any of these programs in many cases have a high economic value. This research is aimed at creating free worksheets on the design of shallow foundations using spreadsheets and software for subsequent verification of results, in order to generate a calculation tool where it is possible to visualize the formulation used in the development of the foundation. design and that it does not have any cost to acquire it. The worksheets were developed in the MathCad Prime software, complying with the design requirements stipulated in the Ecuadorian Construction Standard and codes suggested by the aforementioned regulations, being able to capture the design results obtained in different graphs where the design results can be observed. dimensioning and distribution of the foundation steel. At the end of the research work, tables will be shown that contemplate the results obtained in the developed sheets and the results obtained in the CYPECAD software, as well as floor plans of the structural design of the footings.Ítem Acceso Abierto Caracterización de unidades de mampostería más comunes en la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Cantos Torres, Carla Alexandra; Crespo Crespo, Jorge Efraín; 0301670014; ., .The structural behavior of masonry has been the subject of analytical and experimental, giving rise to techniques developed for their use, and establishment of standards of quality that determine the design and construction processes. In Ecuador the trend cultural is the construction of houses with masonry that are part of elements structural and non-structural, whose execution is mainly due to processes of self-construction, without quality control. Of the seismic events that occurred, it has been evidenced weaknesses in these elements, without guaranteeing structural stability. Despite having developed new manufacturing techniques for partitions and walls, the masonry is the main material for the construction of houses, being necessary know their properties, determining the degree of vulnerability they present before the action of the loads they support. The objective of the present work is to investigate the physical-mechanical characteristics of the masonry units commonly used in Azogues, determining the degree of compliance with the specifications established in the INEN Ecuadorian Technical Standard, and the Ecuadorian Construction Standard NEC15. The compressive strength of the masonry units was evaluated, since it is the main characteristic that influences the structural behavior of the system, physical tests to determine absorption, density and volume of solids, necessary for evaluate the quality of the product and its vulnerability to the action of agents that cause its premature deterioration. The behavior of these units of masonry, and its respective analysis.Ítem Acceso Abierto Desarrollo de una alternativa de movilidad a través de una nueva ruta de transporte público urbano para la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Álvarez González, Silvio Oswaldo; Illéscas Cárdenas, Paúl Esteban; 0302101704; ., .This work aimed at designing an alternative for the mass mobilization of people through a new public transportation route that improves the coverage and services offered by the current urban transportation system. This goal was based on the observation of mobility improvement needs in the city of Azogues, in a management scenario that has not been modified in recent years, especially in the downtown area of the city where intense movements and dynamics of commercial, educational, tourist, among others, have been identified, without considering important factors such as social inclusion. Within this framework, both fieldwork and an analysis of the conditions of the area of influence are presented in such a way that precise data on mobility needs were collected specifically in the year 2020, a period with its particularities in contingency dynamics. The collection method has a quantitative approach and is made feasible through a survey of 268 users of the current public transportation system. The results of this fieldwork help to support a proposal for a new route that provides a solution to issues such as vehicular congestion, social inclusion, and management efficiency. The proposal consists of a preliminary project that contains details related to its administrative management, in addition to the road analysis. It is concluded that the implementation of this proposal would lead to significant improvements in the diagnosed aspects of mobility in the city of Azogues.