Trabajos de Titulación - Administración de Empresas

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    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rodas Ramón, Vanessa Jamileth; Segovia Orellana, Lesly Dayanna; Astudillo Arias , Pedro Yamil; 0150627842; 0106362148
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    Responsabilidad social corporativa y su impacto en la competitividad de las empresas comerciales de la parroquia de Totoracocha del cantón Cuenca - Azuay
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sarmiento Arpi , Damian Alexander; Cuadrado Sánchez , Gina Patrcia; 0106543937
    This paper examines the relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in generating competitiveness through the adoption of socially responsible practices. The main issue is commercial companies’ limited understanding and adoption of these practices and the lack of awareness of the long-term benefits that can result from their implementation. This study aims to verify the adoption of socially responsible practices in commercial companies in the Totoracocha sector. The methodology is descriptive and cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, applying the inductive method, using the survey technique directed to the administrative staff of the commercial companies of the Totoracocha sector and using structural equations to establish indicators that allow evaluating the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The results demonstrate the impact of socially responsible practices on competitiveness and the low adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility practices in the sector studied since these practices obtain average scores.
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    Análisis de la gestión de calidad y su influencia en el crecimiento empresarial de las microempresas del sector venta de cárnicos en la ciudad de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guamán Gutama , Neyma Priscila; Cantos Ochoa , Marcos Eduardo; 0107082729
    Quality management is a crucial element for competitiveness and business development in a dynamic business environment. However, previous research indicates that a lack of knowledge in this area limits the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. In this regard, this article aims to analyze quality management and its influence on the business growth of microenterprises in the meat product sales sector in the city of Cuenca. To this end, it employs a quantitative and descriptive approach to explore the relationship between quality management and business growth through multiple linear correlation analysis. The results underscore that operational controls and performance evaluation, as dimensions of quality management, are determining factors for business growth. Furthermore, continuous improvement and efficient resource management are suggested as key areas for future research and business practices. In conclusion, this study supports the critical relevance of quality management for sustainable economic development in the specific sector, providing a solid foundation for future research and business strategies.
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    Análisis de calidad del servicio al cliente como factor de competitividad en las MIPYMES de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pizarro Jarama, Gina Elizabeth; Andrade Amoroso, Rolando Patricio; 0151073004
    The quality of customer service is a determining factor for the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In this case, the focus is on the food service industry in Cuenca, as this sector is highly dependent on direct interaction with customers. This allows for a comprehensive and representative evaluation of the impact on business performance. This study centers on analyzing how service quality influences the competitiveness of MSMEs, exploring crucial aspects such as customer service, product quality control practices, and post-sale follow-up. The methodology employed was descriptive and non-experimental, using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach with a cross-sectional design; a questionnaire composed of 9 items for data collection was implemented. The results revealed the importance of improving staff training, implementing appropriate technologies, and strengthening the organizational culture oriented toward customer satisfaction. These findings provide MSMEs with tools to optimize their internal processes and improve their positioning in the local market. Likewise, the results of the analysis of customer service quality in MSMEs in the industrial food sector in Cuenca are essential because they provide information on areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. This allows companies to identify and address deficiencies and improve operational efficiency, thus strengthening their competitive positioning.
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    Factores de desempeño que inciden en la mejora laboral de los colaboradores en las empresas privadas de la ciudad de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Guanolique, Jennifer Daniela; Orellana Bueno, Diego Vinicio; 0107200255
    This research analyzes performance factors that affect employees' labor improvement in private companies in the city of Cuenca. The data was collected from scientific databases to be analyzed, explained, and described later; therefore, this is a non-experimental, literature, explanatory, and descriptive research. In addition, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was applied to 61 employees of a well-known company in Cuenca; thus, statistical tools such as SPSS Statistics and Excel were used, and a linear regression model and the ANOVA test were presented to find the relationship and to validate the results of the study variables: individual well-being, professional development, motivation, and technological use. The results indicate their importance for employees' optimal participation in the organizations, achieving objectives, and thus, their expected labor improvement.