Trabajos de Titulación - Economía

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    Análisis del clima organizacional caso Banco del Austro
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Ortiz Erraez , Brian Javier; Campoverde Cajas , Rosario Beatriz; 0106481567
    A pooled fund is a method of financial management in which all revenues from the transportation service are consolidated and managed in a single fund. This centralization provides a more accurate view of the financial situation, simplifying resource planning, monitoring, and control. In this context, this research aims to analyze the economic impact on the pooled fund, identifying trends, challenges, and opportunities for the sustainable economic development of the Transportation Cooperative Uncometro S.A. in the period 2021-2023. A quantitative methodological approach of bibliographic and field type was used, supported by the financial statements and collections of pooled funds of the 55 transportation units that conform to this company in the years 2021, 2022, and 2023. The results reveal a steady increase in revenues and progress in financial and operational management over the 2021-2023. However, fluctuations in expenses and revenues among companies in the sector indicate that they face significant challenges that must be addressed to ensure stability and sustained growth. In conclusion, the implementation of pooled collection at Transportation Cooperative Uncometro S.A. has produced significant benefits, improving financial stability, promoting a more equitable income distribution, and optimizing operational effectiveness.
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    Efectos sociales del desempleo en Ecuador durante el periodo dolarizado 2000-2022
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Lema Guasco, Manuel Ambrocio; Guzmán Espinoza, Wilson Alejandro; 0302735964
    This study analyzes the relationship between unemployment, social inequality, poverty, and lack of access to health insurance in Ecuador during the period 2000-2022. Thus, the estimation of the Engle and Granger model was used to verify the absence of cointegration of the long-run series where the t-statistic is less than (-3.08) regarding the critical values. Additionally, an exogenous dichotomous regression d1 was used for the year 2020 and 2021 in the Autoregressive Vectors. From the analysis of the results, it was concluded that there is a correlation between the pandemic and the increase in population unemployment, which leads to an increase in income disparity, and in turn, to an increase in poverty levels, and greater difficulties in accessing health insurance coverage, which represents a lower development and welfare of the Ecuadorian society.
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    Análisis de las importaciones ecuatorianas: un enfoque de series temporales para el periodo dolarizado 2000-2020
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Choco Yunga, Melissa Del Cisne; Ugalde Vásquez, Andrés Francisco; 0105465843
    The study of imports within a country can be related to its growth and development in several ways, some of which have a particular transcendence given the situation. Therefore, this research aims to analyze import behavior in Ecuador during the dollarization, considering that imports are part of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The study is focused on demonstrating whether the import behavior is related to the GDP behavior. For this purpose, different theories were studied to justify the research; these theories define imports as the acquisition of raw materials, products, or goods that are not produced within a country and that arrive with a better production process, industrialization, or commercialization. In contrast, GDP is the total goods or services produced domestically. For data collection, macroeconomic information from the Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE by its Spanish acronym) was used as a reference, with quarterly cutoff for the period 2000-2020. In the data analysis stage, an ARMA model for time series was applied, which made it possible to conclude, after processing the variables, that a change in imports is related to a change in GDP by 55%.
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    Niveles de desempleo y pérdida de competitividad en la industria ecuatoriana post pandemia
    (Univeridad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Mercado Tacuri , Leonardo Paul; Ortiz Lazo , Diego Fernando; 0106809668
    This research aims to analyze the unemployment levels and loss of competitiveness in the Ecuadorian industry post-pandemic period 2021. A theoretical, synthetic-analytical, and inductive-deductive method was used to meet this objective, with a descriptive scope and a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach. Qualitatively, a literature review was used, while quantitatively, a survey was applied to 225 industrial companies in Cuenca; the technique and instruments are the survey. The results of this study revealed that companies had reduced their post-pandemic workforce, and to increase their competitiveness, companies have implemented the following strategies: teleworking modality, online sales, marketing strategies, and salary reduction. Thereby, they have achieved the reactivation of companies and recovery of sources of employment.
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    “Análisis económico del impacto de la eliminación de subsidios en Ecuador caso: Gasolina, Diésel y Glp”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Sisalima Shiña, Santiago Andrés; Tinto , Arandes Jaime; 0150085140
    This research assesses the economic impact of from removing subsidies on fossil fuels (diesel, gasoline, and LPG). In order to evaluate the fluctuations in the prices of production factors as a consequence of removing these subsidies, an ARIMA econometric time-series model is used to make projections of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an Input-Output Matrix (IPM) of Ecuador with data from the year 2020, and the Leontief production equation, to determine the final demand of Ecuador until the year 2027. Once this is established, fuel subsidies are removed, which generates inflation in the prices of the production elements, affecting intermediate consumption, final demand, and total consumption. Based on these fluctuations, changes in the country's macroeconomic and sectoral indices are determined, establishing a link between the Input-Output Matrix (IPM) and the econometric ARIMA model. IPM is incorporated integrally in the macro model, allowing to solve one based on the other and vice versa.