Trabajos de Titulación - Extensión Cañar - Administración de Empresas

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  • Ítem
    Design Thinking: Una herramienta para la innovación en las mipymes
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Valdez Carpio, Sonia Angélica; Ordoñez Espinoza, Cristina Guadalupe; 035015915-8
    Today's business environment is highly demanding; thus, acquiring competencies to develop innovation capabilities is necessary. As a creative tool, Design Thinking represents a possibility for MSMEs to innovate with added value, satisfying the needs and expectations of consumers. From this perspective, this research aimed to analyze Design Thinking as a tool for innovation in MSMEs using a methodological research process with a qualitative approach and descriptive scope through a systematic review based on the PRISMA method. The data selection process was based on specific criteria, highlighting the most recent publications of the last five years indexed in high-impact academic journals. The main results obtained from the articles reviewed indicate that the implementation of this tool in MSMEs is beneficial for developing people's creativity in the creation of products or services since it is strongly influenced by individual skills. In addition, it is relevant to highlight that Design Thinking presents an approach that allows rethinking the company of the future, which implies redefining its foundations to achieve innovative processes in the short, medium, and long term. In conclusion, it represents an integral and effective strategy for the development and growth of MSMEs, providing user-centered solutions that respond to the demands of today's market. Keywords: Design Thinking, innovation, MSMEs, competitiveness.
  • Ítem
    Reclutamiento 4.0: Transformación digital en la adquisición de talento
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Valdez Tutillo, Lesly Priscila; Orbe Guaraca, Prisila; 030279757-6
    Currently, traditional recruitment processes are being strengthened by new technological trends such as artificial intelligence and data analysis. From this perspective, the study analyzes the emerging technologies in the digital transformation that are reshaping business recruitment towards the 4.0 model, identifying benefits, challenges, and best practices in talent acquisition. Using a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope and a bibliographic design, the study uses the systematic analysis technique with the PRISMA method to search for information in scientific databases. Initially, 230 articles were identified, of which, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 articles were selected for detailed analysis, reviewing previous studies that have explored the intersection between technology and human resource management. Theoretical implications identify these digital tools as successful in providing practical insights into outcomes and learnings, fundamentally reshaping people management practices to offer greater efficiency and accuracy in recruiting, as well as in the candidate experience. The adoption of Recruiting 4.0 not only optimizes talent acquisition processes but also enables organizations to remain competitive in an ever-changing labor market. Keywords: digital recruitment, artificial intelligence, recruitment, digital transformation, human resources.
  • Ítem
    La innovación abierta y colaboración estratégica: Impulsores del desarrollo empresarial en la era digital
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pomaquiza Guaman , Luis Rodrigo; Vasquez Hugo, Edgar Santiago; 030270516-5
    In the business environment, open innovation is essential for achieving success in an agile and effective manner, through cooperation with external organizations or agents for the company’s development. This research aims to analyze open innovation and strategic collaboration as drivers of business development in the digital era. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodological approach with a descriptive scope was established, carried out through a literature review based on the systematic review technique using the PRISMA method for article selection. In the first phase, a total of 3,268 articles were identified. After processing them according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and adhring to the rigor established by the method, a final selection of 30 publications from the last five years (2019 - 2024) was made. The results show that open innovation implies an adequate and efficient development of processes with external collaboration. Techniques such as crowdsourcing involve a group of people collaborating to optimize these activities. This, together with the manager’s leadership and commitment, plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of open innovation. Finally, implementing open innovation processes and strategic techniques with external collaborators is beneficial for generating competitive advantage, creating value, developing innovative solutions, and meeting people's needs in an increasingly complex and dynamic context. Keywords: open innovation, strategic collaboration, innovation, organizational culture.
  • Ítem
    Análisis del ecosistema de emprendimiento tecnológico en el Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Velasqeuz Simbaina, Ana Lucía; Castillo Castillo , Deisy Carolina; 030238255-1
    The technological entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ecuador has grown significantly in recent years, fostering economic development. It comprises various actors and elements that play crucial roles in promoting and strengthening innovation and economic diversification and growth. This paper aims to analyze the technological entrepreneurship ecosystem, identifying the key elements and actors, challenges, and opportunities that characterize this sector. A qualitative approach and a descriptive scope were adopted to perform this analysis, using techniques such as systematic analysis supported by the PRISMA methodology (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). In the selection process, 12,839 articles were identified in various scientific databases, from which 40 articles corresponding to the last five years (2019-2024) were selected, which were used to support the research conducted. The main findings indicate that government initiatives and technological infrastructure facilitate the creation and operation of startups and support institutions such as incubators, accelerators, coworking, universities, and training centers, which are essential for generating entrepreneurs and technological professionals. Access to financing has improved, although it is still a challenge. These elements and actors have contributed significantly to economic diversification; however, there are challenges, such as the need for more significant investment in R&D, regulatory improvements, and the implementation of public policies. Keywords: technological entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem, startups, business innovation.
  • Ítem
    Factores que inciden en la transformación digital de una empresa
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Fernandez Narvaez, Jennyfer Jacqueline; Rodríguez Pillaga, Renán Teodoro; 035014305-3
    Digital transformation in companies requires strategic leadership and an innovative mindset to integrate emerging technologies effectively. This process redefines business models, optimizes processes, and improves organizational performance, influencing corporate culture and individual behaviors, but faces significant challenges. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the digital transformation of a company, generating effective strategies for its successful and sustainable implementation in the current context of technological innovation and business change, highlighting the importance of adaptive strategies and effective change management to ensure success in a globalized and digitally disruptive environment. A methodological research process with a qualitative approach and descriptive scope was established, using a literature review based on the PRISMA method to select articles. Initially, 6442 publications were identified and filtered according to rigorous selection criteria, resulting in 34 studies published between 2019 and 2024. The studies on digital transformation highlight how various industries benefit from this trend, underlining the centrality of the customer and the relationship between digitization and innovation. In conclusion, digital transformation is essential for the sustainable growth of companies, as it facilitates innovation and improves procedures to support new business approaches through advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain, and big data. Additionally, operational efficiency, government policies, customer experiences, and organizational culture are critical factors for business digital transformation. Keywords: digital transformation, organizational culture, technological innovation, resistance to change, globalization.