Trabajos de Titulación - Extensión La Troncal - Enfermería

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    Factores de riesgo que inciden en la morbi-mortalidad materno neonatal
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-28) Solis Carranza, Nailly Gabriela; Molina Calle, Carmen Victoria; 0942357609
    The risk factors predisposing to maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are those evident before gestation and before the first 28 days of the newborn's life. However, maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates are high in least developed countries. These rates statistically record the pathologies and deaths occurring during gestation, provoked by certain circumstances or factors. The study aims to raise awareness of the importance of tackling this issue comprehensively to prevent women’s and neonates’ health complications. This qualitative retrospective study’s methodology involves reviewing bibliographic repositories and databases, such as SciELO, Google Scholar, DSpace, Scopus, and PubMed. The analysis discerned ten quantifiable publications and five articles with a qualitative approach, from which various data were extracted and verified. Demographic factors, gynecological history, obstetric risks, and dystocia presentation are some identified maternal and neonatal factors. For neonates, the identified factors include APGAR scores, birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, gestational age, genetic disorders, and breathing problems. Therefore, multidisciplinary strategies are promoted to reduce morbidity and mortality, involving healthcare staff in raising awareness of pregnant women’s need for optimal health.
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    Análisis de la aplicación de los protocolos de enfermería y su incidencia en el riesgo de bioseguridad hospitalaria de la red de salud pública
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-28) Garzón Insuasti, Yilda Isabel; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0302253885
    Nursing protocols are a set of actions that are based on the most recent scientific evidence, serve as a strategy to unify criteria, and agree together on the approach to different nursing techniques or problems that affect the patient, family, and community. Hence, there is a need for a more significant theoretical approach of this nursing scientific outcome. Under this argument, this research aims to analyze the application level of nursing protocols and their impact on hospital biosecurity risk within the public health network. A descriptive methodological framework based on documentary review techniques and bibliographic sources from academic databases is used to achieve the objectives. Among the findings, the nursing staff, through the Ministry of Public Health (MSP by its Spanish acronym), have established protocols ranging from handwashing to protocol application in surgical patients. Regarding biosecurity-focused protocols, it is found that most healthcare professionals in a specific Health District usually apply these measures, while a small part does not due to the lack of availability of supplies and personal protective equipment. In conclusion, the level of applicability of the protocols is proportional to the knowledge about them, supply availability, and staff willingness. The main protocols are those proposed by the MSP at the national level, some of which are advised by international organizations.
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    Intervención de enfermería en pacientes con complicaciones de pie diabético: modelo de introspección, cuidado y curación
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-27) Marca Quilli, Jenny del Rocio; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0350133237
    This research addresses one of the most complex diabetes-induced health conditions and complications, namely diabetic foot. It has a high prevalence in the hyperglycemic population and leads to severe pathological states that can even result in death. Under this assumption, this study aimed to analyze nursing interventions in patients with diabetic foot complications using the Introspection, Care, and Healing model proposed by Lydia Hall, who stated that nursing functions include implementing preventive measures through managing factors that could impact the health of the affected individual, in addition to emphasizing the importance of coping with their health condition or illness. This approach enables more effective interventions, thereby reducing the rate of complications due to negligence, lack of attention, or health care assistance. The methodology used in the study was documentary and descriptive, including bibliographic sources from updated academic databases, which were presented in a table with the most relevant data to meet the proposed objectives. The study concluded that Lydia Hall's model would be beneficial for treating diabetic foot complications because this care model focuses on basic pillars such as self-awareness and education, which can prevent the beginning and aggravation of infections, ulcers, osteomyelitis, amputations, and other complication.
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    Calidad de vida en pacientes adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial en el Ecuador y países de Sudamérica, enfocado en la promoción y prevención en salud
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-27) Ortíz Silva, Evelyn Prisila; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0953660933
    In Ecuador and Latin America, there is a significant challenge regarding hypertension in the elderly population. This study aims to identify the quality of life of elderly patients with hypertension in Ecuador and other South American countries, focusing on health promotion and prevention. The methodology used includes a qualitative analysis utilizing databases from scientific journals and repositories such as Revista Electrónica Medimay, Revista de Salud Pública, Revista de Ciencia y Enfermería, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Escuela Académico Profesional de Medicina Humana, Revista de Medicina Interna, Universidad de El Salvador, Revista de Ciencias de Salud, Dominio de las Ciencias, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, and Revista Médica Vozandes, which conducted studies with elderly patients. The results reveal that hypertension negatively impacts the quality of life of the elderly, especially in aspects related to cardiovascular and cognitive health. This limits their participation in activities, deteriorating their independence and overall wellbeing. The conclusions emphasize the need to adopt comprehensive and preventive approaches to improve the well-being of this population.
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    Factores de riesgos que influyen en el contagio de virus de papiloma humano en mujeres adolescentes
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-22) Vargas Moran, Daniela Nathaly; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0952739852
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that primarily affects young people and is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This pathogen is prevalent among nearly all sexually active individuals, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Objective: This study aimed to determine the risk factors influencing HPV infection in adolescent girls. Methodology: A meta-study and descriptive literature review was used through a mixed-method approach. The strategy chosen for this study was a review of databases such as SciELO, Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, and DSpace, addressing 40 publications and selecting ten articles with a quantitative focus and five with a qualitative one, allowing for a comprehensive examination of the topic. Results: The results showed that the main risk factors identified for HPV infection in adolescent girls were unsafe sexual practices, a high number of sexual couples often with a high risk of transmission, a lack of knowledge regarding sexual education, and demographic factors, such as socioeconomic status, education level, and psychological factors. Conclusions: The primary age group with a high HPV infection incidence and impact is adolescent girls under the age of 25. It is recommended to strengthen sexual health services by providing preventive talks to promote optimal sexuality, exploring topics such as HPV infection and its main complication, cervical cancer.