Trabajos de Titulación - Ingeniería Psicología Clínica

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    Trastorno disfórico premenstrual: Fundamentos teóricos y eficacia de tratamientos psicológicos.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bacuilima Malusin , Emily; Cayambe Gómez, Sammy; Viñanzaca Lòpez, Juan; 0150723492; 1400735914
    Introduction: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a condition characterized by cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms present in women during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and is linked to hormonal changes that occur six to ten days prior to menstruation. Objective: To expose the efficacy of psychological treatments in premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Methodology: This was a descriptive narrative literature review based on the support of the PRISMA flow diagram, using the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Taylor & Francis, and OVID. Results: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was shown to positively affect on premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Likewise, a non-invasive treatment favored women who were willing to dedicate time and effort to the treatment. Conclusion: Regarding the efficiency of psychological treatment through literature review and experimental studies, it was identified that cognitive-behavioral therapy was effective in reducing symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
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    Estilos de apego y tipos de afrontamiento en adolescentes de América Latina.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bernal Arteaga , Paulina; Arévalo Proaño, Claudia; 0105941603
    Introduction: Attachment styles are classified into two categories, secure and insecure. Insecure style is subdivided into preoccupied and avoidant. These categories go hand in hand with the types of coping mechanisms, which are behavioral and cognitive techniques people use to face situations that generate stress. Objective: To compare attachment styles and types of coping mechanisms in adolescents through a literature review in the Latin American region. Methodology: The type of research is a systematic literature review based on the PRISMA declaration through a search on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Result: Secure and insecure attachment styles directly influence the coping strategies adopted by adolescents. Secure attachment predominates in women, as do adaptive strategies. Conclusions: It was found that the predominant attachment in the region is secure, experienced by most adolescents. Concerning the coping mechanisms in Latin American adolescents, a diversity of strategies that young people use to manage crises has been found. It was determined that most adolescents in Latin America have built several attachment styles linked to how they relate to others and how they face difficulties and crises and deal with conflicts.
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    Duelo y su incidencia en la salud mental.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Medina Sánchez , Bryan; Neira Cárdenas, Olga; 0350035929
    This scientific research focuses on grieving processes, highlighting the importance of analyzing their impact on human mental health. It is understood that grieving is not limited to the loss of a loved one due to death or separation but extends to any circumstance in a person's life where something is lost, whether material, such as money, property, or pets. Grieving is a natural process universally experienced by humans in response to the cycle of death. However, the impact of the absence of what is lost significantly affects people's mental health. This research aims to determine the consequences of grieving and its impact on mental health by analyzing psychological theories of this issue, identifying risk factors that lead to pathological grieving and its repercussions, and presenting strategies to restore mental health. The methodology used was a literature review, analyzing scientific databases such as Dialnet, ScienceDirect, SciELO, Redalyc, Scopus, and ProQuest, as well as studies published in Spanish and English. The inclusion criteria focused on grieving, pathological grieving, mental health, and strategies for overcoming grief. Exclusion criteria included studies conducted before 2018 and those unrelated to loss situations. As a result, it was established that there are impacts before, during, and especially after the experience of grieving.
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    Procedimientos de evaluación psicológica en el trastorno disfórico premenstrual.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Belesaca Chacha , Joseline; Pulla Pacheco , Erika; Viñanzaca López, Juan; 0107182909; 0106097736
    Menstruation is a normative physiological process in women, but it can lead to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) with severe emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms during the luteal phase. This disorder significantly affects work performance, interpersonal relationships, and quality of life, with an associated risk of suicide, affecting 3-8 % of childbearing-age women. The lack of adequate psychological evaluations and treatments has hindered the experience and recovery from the disease. This study aimed to determine the psychological assessment procedures for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The research used a descriptive narrative review design, following the PRISMA guidelines. Keywords such as “premenstrual dysphoric disorder, assessment, diagnosis, test, psychometric properties” were used in searches on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science with Boolean operators OR, AND, and XOR. Articles published in English were selected, including descriptive studies, meta-analyses, and other designs related to psychology and psychiatry. As a result, instruments such as SSS-8, PSST, PSQ, PMDD, ENR, and DASS-21 have been highlighted, which demonstrated diagnostic validity and excellent internal consistency (0.80-0.95), confirming their construct, diagnostic, predictive, and content validity. The psychosocial impact of PMDD shows that a poor diagnosis reduces quality of life, while an accurate diagnosis improves well-being and relationships, facilitating effective therapeutic interventions.
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    Características neuropsicológicas asociadas a las adicciones comportamentales.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Álvarez Mendieta , Alisson; Bermeo Naspud , Manuel; Viñanzaca López, Juan; 2350662959; 0106146269
    Introduction. Behavioral addictions include gambling, video game use, sex addiction, exercise, and compulsive shopping. In recent years, including the pandemic period, an increase in these addictions has been observed worldwide, which motivates us to investigate their prevalence and related factors. Objective. To analyze the neuropsychological characteristics associated with behavioral addictions, determining their prevalence in Ecuador and evaluating the executive functions involved. Methodology. A randomized subsample of 200 persons who completed a digital form with sociodemographic data and assessment scales (EFECO II-VR, SABAS, IGDS-SF9, BSMAS) was used. Results. Findings revealed a significant prevalence of these addictions in Ecuador, showing remarkable correlations between smartphone app-based addiction and cognitive monitoring and monitoring (r = .349), working memory (r = .342), and deliberate control of emotions (r = . 341); between developing an Internet gaming disorder and cognitive supervision and monitoring (r = .327); and, between social networking addiction and deliberate control of emotions (r = .346), working memory (r = .364), proceeding with initiative (r = .358), and planning (r = .361). Conclusion. A considerable prevalence of addiction to smartphone applications, internet games, and social networks in the Ecuadorian population is highlighted, together with the association between these addictions and various impairments in executive functions.