Trabajos de Titulación - Educación inicial

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    “El juego como estrategia metodológica para el manejo de la agresividad en niños de 4 años’’
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rivas Zambrano, Pamela Belén; Curay Banegas, Edgar Rigoberto; 0150043206
    In education, play is highly useful, functioning as a methodological strategy that promotes the acquisition of significant learning, facilitates the child's integral development, and allows for guiding their behavior and managing aggression properly. This study aims to determine the incidence of play as a methodological strategy for managing aggression in 4-year-old children. A mixed-method approach was implemented, with a pre- experimental descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional type design. An inductive- deductive methodology and the card indexing technique were employed. The population comprised 19 4-year-old children. For diagnosing levels of aggression, the Cuello and Oros Aggression Scale from 2012 was used, which has a Cronbach's alpha of 0.9. The processing and interpretation of results were conducted utilizing descriptive and inferential statistics. Regarding the results, a direct and significant relationship was found between play as a methodological strategy and aggression in 4-year-old children, with a Pearson correlation index of 0.86, indicating a high relationship. In conclusion, it can be stated that the goal determined in the research was accomplished, and a clear relationship between the two variables under study was evidenced. After implementing the pedagogical intervention proposal, a decrease in children's aggressive behavior was observed.
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    Recursos didácticos sostenibles para el desarrollo de la conciencia ecológica en preescolar
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Barros Jara, Grace Diane; Álvarez Galeano, Manuel Felipe; 0105701569
    This research explores sustainable teaching resources to cultivate environmental awareness at the preschool stage. A qualitative and non-experimental approach was adopted, using a deductive-inductive methodology to collect and analyze relevant information from digital repositories. The results highlight the importance of resources with solid pedagogical foundations that promote multisensory experiences, varied didactic strategies, technological integration, and community participation to develop environmental awareness. In addition, it is emphasized that the formation of this awareness depends on exposure to nature, family and social interactions, behavioral development, and personal growth. Based on these findings, a teaching guide was designed with eight structured sessions that include objectives, procedures, resources, time frames, responsibilities, and an evaluation tool for educators to monitorprogress in developing environmental awareness in children
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    “La pintura para desarrollar psicomotricidad fina en niños preescolares con trastorno del espectro autista”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Quituisaca Tacuri, Mayra Fernanda; Trelles Astudillo, Hilda Josefina; 0106306491
    Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face problems and challenges in developing fine motor skills. This can vary in intensity and manifestation from child to child, and the most common challenge is hand-eye coordination. This research aims to assess the contribution of the scientific literature regarding the use of painting in developing fine psychomotor skills in preschool children with ASD. This is a literature review with an exploratory and descriptive approach. The data were collected from repositories such as Google Scholar, SciELO, Redalyc, Web of Science, and Dialnet, and the following results were obtained: Dactyl painting has a significant impact on developing fine motor skills and encourages the development of imagination and creativity. It also facilitates the mastery of balance, motor coordination control, and spatial-temporal orientation. It was concluded that painting improves motor skills, particularly hand-eye coordination, social participation, strength stimulation, muscular flexibility, finger precision control, body awareness, precision in fine movements, and emotional expression. The most effective strategies to improve fine motor skills with the use of painting as a pedagogical strategy include finger painting, the use of brushes and sponges, painting with unconventional objects, painting in different positions, painting outdoors, corporate painting games, exploration of colors and textures, and the creation of patterns and shapes.
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    “La estimulación temprana en el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños de 0 a 2 años”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Romero Zumba , Naydelinne Nayeli; Trelles Astudillo, Hilda Josefina; 0707337515
    The lack of early stimulation in children causes various problems in physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and language development. Early stimulation is fundamental in early childhood because it provides enriching experiences in psychomotor development. This research aims to determine the contribution of the scientific literature on early stimulation for the psychomotor development of 0 to 2-year-old children. To achieve this goal, a literature review was conducted in the Digital Database of the Catholic University of Cuenca, in the repositories of Google Scholar, SciELO, Redalyc, Web of Science, and Dialnet. Fifteen scientific articles on early stimulation and psychomotor skills were identified, and only six were selected because they directly relate to this research topic. The main findings are improving and favoring motor and cognitive skills in child development through early stimulation, contributing to the development of the socioemotional area through the integration of playful practices, sensory stimulation, and affective interaction, and promoting critical elements for developing psychomotor skills in early childhood. Likewise, the combination of sensory stimulation techniques, games and ludic activities, gross and fine motor stimulation exercises, social and affective interaction, and the adequate use of didactic material emerge as an integral approach to enhance motor and cognitive development during early childhood. At the end of this research, a pedagogical proposal is presented with early stimulation techniques for the psychomotor development of 0 to 2-year-old children.
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    “El juego simbólico como estrategia lúdica para el desarrollo de la convivencia en niños de inicial II”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Muñoz Inga, Lizbeth Katiuzca; Carrera Flores, Rita Carolina; 0105143598
    Symbolic play as a ludic strategy presents a significant opportunity for children to practice social skills and positive coexistence behaviors. Through a literature review, this study analyzed the existing evidence regarding its effectiveness in addressing problems that usually occur during the preschool stage. Specifically, the potential of mediated peer dramatization experiences was explored through symbolic play as a ludic approach to model strategies for peaceful conflict resolution, effective communication, teamwork, and following collective norms. The study used documentary collection and analysis techniques, a descriptive qualitative approach, and a non-experimental design. Based on the guiding question, the contributions of various studies that link symbolic play with dimensions of coexistence during the preschool stage are categorized and compared. The findings identified prevalent issues in which symbolic play, as a ludic strategy, enables the rehearsal of solutions. These are mediated play activities to strengthen communication skills, behavioral self-regulation, frustration management, and consideration of others’ needs in young children. Furthermore, criteria and practical guidelines were also provided for teachers and parents to implement practical educational experiences based on role-playing problem-solving, coexistence rules, and emotional expression.