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Factores de desempeño que inciden en la mejora laboral de los colaboradores en las empresas privadas de la ciudad de Cuenca
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Guanolique, Jennifer Daniela; Orellana Bueno , Diego Vinicio; 0107200255
This research analyzes performance factors that affect employees' labor improvement in private companies in the city of Cuenca. The data was collected from scientific databases to be analyzed, explained, and described later; therefore, this is a non-experimental, literature, explanatory, and descriptive research. In addition, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was applied to 61 employees of a well-known company in Cuenca; thus, statistical tools such as SPSS Statistics and Excel were used, and a linear regression model and the ANOVA test were presented to find the relationship and to validate the results of the study variables: individual well-being, professional development, motivation, and technological use. The results indicate their importance for employees' optimal participation in the organizations, achieving objectives, and thus, their expected labor improvement.
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Niveles de desempleo y pérdida de competitividad en la industria ecuatoriana post pandemia
(Univeridad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Mercado Tacuri , Leonardo Paul; Ortiz Lazo , Diego Fernando; 0106809668
This research aims to analyze the unemployment levels and loss of competitiveness in the Ecuadorian industry post-pandemic period 2021. A theoretical, synthetic-analytical, and inductive-deductive method was used to meet this objective, with a descriptive scope and a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach. Qualitatively, a literature review was used, while quantitatively, a survey was applied to 225 industrial companies in Cuenca; the technique and instruments are the survey. The results of this study revealed that companies had reduced their post-pandemic workforce, and to increase their competitiveness, companies have implemented the following strategies: teleworking modality, online sales, marketing strategies, and salary reduction. Thereby, they have achieved the reactivation of companies and recovery of sources of employment.
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Clima laboral como factor de desempeño en empresas agrícolas del Azuay
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Lozano Ramírez, Allison Nicole; Ordóñez Valencia, Hugo Javier; 0750266025
In agricultural companies located in the province of Azuay, Ecuador, there is a series of complex labor dynamics that have the potential to impact organizational performance significantly and, consequently, the productivity and sustainability of these companies. The objective is to identify the key elements that shape the working environment in agricultural companies in Azuay, including aspects such as work environment, interpersonal relationships, leadership style, job motivation and satisfaction, conflict management, and the perception of performance. This qualitative methodology uses a descriptive design, convenience sampling, observation, and surveys to collect primary data and explore the participants’ experiences, perceptions, and interpretations. Three agricultural companies were selected for the study because of their relevance in the sector and their importance in the region. The results demonstrate a variety of experiences in the studied companies, highlighting the substantial impact of elements such as the leadership approach, interpersonal interactions, and communication on shaping the working environment. Organizations that adopted participative methodologies, transparent communication, and employee recognition showed more rewarding and cooperative work environments. However, certain challenges were also recognized in particular entities, such as autocratic behaviors and lack of recognition, highlighting the need for specific interventions to improve the work environment and promote employee well-being.
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Análisis de la satisfacción generada por los incentivos laborales en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito del cantón Saraguro
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guazha Solano, Gissela Tatiana; Cuadrado Sánchez, Gina Patricia; 01061533299
Effective human resource management is essential to the success of any organization. In this way, organizations have opted for the use of incentives as a practice to motivate employees and improve their satisfaction. Consequently, job satisfaction in companies is a crucial factor, and it is necessary to understand how incentives are related to it. In this context, this research’s central problem is understanding the satisfaction generated by work incentives in the seven savings and loan unions located in the canton of Saraguro. The methodology was descriptive, with a non-experimental, quantitative, and cross-sectional design. It included the collection of data through surveys administered to employees of the different savings and loan unions studied, followed by an analysis through the construction of indicators. This resulted in a job satisfaction index of 78%, with medium-high indexes in appreciation for the company and vacations, but low indexes in salary and pension plan or external insurance. It is possible to conclude that it is necessary to strengthen these last factors.
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Programa de incentivos y su efecto en la gestión empresarial en la hostería dos chorreras, de la provincia del Azuay- Ecuador 2023
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Urrea Zhunio, Diego Andrés; Espinoza Pillaga, Héctor Alejandro; 0106387756
Globalization is driving changes in labor, trade, and investment relations, among other business dimensions. Business management continually explores new strategies to improve operational efficiency and strengthen companies' market positioning. In this context, this research aims to design an incentive program as a tool for business management to promote compliance, improve labor productivity, and increase job satisfaction at the “Hostería Dos Chorreras” in Cuenca, Ecuador. A mixed research approach was employed, using survey and interview techniques, which three experts in the field validated. A survey was conducted on a sample of 89 employees selected from a total study population of 114 individuals, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. Consequently, the results revealed a lack of acceptance of the company's current incentive program, job dissatisfaction, and insufficient personal recognition. The existing approach to incentives has been predominantly economic and shows a clear need for innovation. Therefore, a new incentive program is proposed, focusing on non-economic incentives to align employees’ increased productivity and job satisfaction with more significant achievement of objectives and measure individual and collective results leading to business success.
Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Auquilla Rubio, Kerly Dayanna; Lopez Timbi, Paula Belen; Sánchez Sarmiento, Marcela Paz; 0107339756; 0106549256
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Análisis de los tiempos procesales en el juicio de alimentos frente a su posible vulneración al principio de celeridad en el cantón Cuenca
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Juma Viteri, Lisseth Estefania; Pinos Jaen , Camilo; 0302012554
Introduction: The current exponential growth of alimony processes in Ecuador has caused the obsolescence of the administration of justice in the country, since the deadlines and terms indicated in the regulations have only been achieved in a very small number of cases, which has the brief characteristic that poor observance of procedural times leads to alleged violations of constitutional and procedural principles such as the principle of celerity. Objective: Analyze the possible non-compliance of deadlines and terms in the alimony processes in the Family, Women, Children and Adolescents Courts and its possible violation of the principle of celerity in the Cuenca canton. Methodology: A qualitative approach was chosen based on an analytical-synthetic and retrospective approach. The information was collected through observation and documentary review techniques to determine the problem through the observation of phenomena and the objective collection of relevant information. The qualitative approach allowed us to analyze theoretical, doctrinal and legal information on the topic, which facilitated the observation of the dilemma and its comparison with the enigma expressed. The retrospective methodology consisted on the analysis of retrospective cases of non-compliance with terms and deadlines in food process causes, in order to support the hypothesis and obtain consistent conclusions. Results: The non-observance of procedural times in cases of alimony in the Family, Women, Children and Adolescents Courts of the Cuenca canton was proven, violating the principle of procedural celerity, due to the fact that several provisions indicated in various articles of the General Organic Code of Processes have not been carried out, causing an impact on timely access to justice. Conclusion: The studies carried out have shown that, for various reasons, deadlines and terms have not been respected, which has given rise to transgressions, particularly of the principle of celerity, therefore, the need arises to develop strategies that help guarantee compliance with these procedural times in order to reduce this problem and create possibilities for the effective rights enforcement, which would benefit the procedural parts involved and would in turn strengthen the legal system.
Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ordóñez Navos , Jennifer Vanessa; Pérez Tapia, Kely Gabriela; Pinos Jaén, Camilo; 0107569899; 1400664825
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Análisis de la vulneración del principio de presunción de inocencia en las sanciones por contravenciones de tránsito en Ecuador.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Merchan Chicaiza, Edwin Geovanny; Monsalve Robalino, Bernardo Xavier; 0105743306
The Comprehensive Organic Penal Code regulates traffic infractions using an expedited procedure that classifies into two types: firstly, when the alleged offender contests the citation within a three-day period, and secondly, when acceptance is presumed. This issue arises from the violation of the principle of innocence when fines are imposed without contestation of the citation issued by a traffic officer, automatically considered the individual responsible for the infraction. Therefore, the law does not respect the principle of innocence since the legislation clearly stipulates that innocence can only be lost after a conviction. Thus, it violates not only the presumption of innocence, but also all the norms and principles that guarantee the due process contemplated in the Constitution, International Treaties, and other Codes. The research focuses on evidencing the infringement upon the presumption of innocence when the fine, considered a penalty, is issued by a traffic officer without a conviction.
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Factores de riesgo relacionados con la depresión postparto
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Herrera Dutan, Edgar Vinicio; García Pacheco, Andrea Verónica; 1724771272
The puerperium is considered one of the most important stages of the term of pregnancy that a woman’s body goes through, where it can cause a state of psychological fragility, with the presentation of psychiatric disorders, which can appear from mild to severe in all women after childbirth, and up to a year of it, is characterized by having short, medium and long-term effects on the mother, the newborn and the family. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk factors with the greatest impact and relevance in postpartum depression in Ecuador. A narrative bibliographic review of the scientific literature on risk factors related to postpartum depression was carried out. It was concluded that depression in the postpartum stage has been increasing in recent years, as well as the most prevalent risk factors, highlighting; marital status, socioeconomic status, and previous history of depression. These findings highlight the magnitude of the problem of postpartum depression, as well as the relevance of continuing with this line of research, formulating and proposing prevention strategies against the main risk factors mentioned above.